S2 10 The Little Helper

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Yet another near death experience..
I tried so hard too this time.
I walked the world of my subconscious I thought I'd be with the old man up on the mountain again.. but that's not where I originally came from... I was a kid when I met them.. I have no idea how I made it up that mountain, but I already learned a breathing style of wind, and found myself surviving the walk up the mountain. But why? Why would a child walk up the mountain... I stopped and stood there.

" why?"

I turned

" I was running from something..."

I stopped when the world around me changed and I instantly felt fear in my body.

" oh little helper-"

I heard the sing song voice- kind but something told me he wasn't.

" now you had to be nosy- didn't you..."

I stopped when a girl with black hair and green eyes came up to me, she was a young adult- as inosuke, tanjiro and zenitsu are now- she looked around 18 to early 20s.

" ( y/n ) we need to go-"

She said and held a baby that was a year younger then me - she picked me up making me gasp

" wait- you shouldn't take me!!! Cause he'll come— I'll be in trouble again!! Ahhhhh!!!"

I closed my eyes scared and I looked around for the sign of him. But stopped when she comforted me, she made it seem all ok- like this was fine- but I knew we weren't, Why did I know-

I stopped trying to remember more I shivered looking down to see we were outside now- but a cliff, the draft made me shiver. I looked down and stopped seeing the same baby in her arms now in mine.

" take him (y/n) run as fast as you can! Don't come back. Don't stop- and whatever you do. Tell No one of what you have seen or saw tonight.. you hear me! Forget about this!—"

" now now... taking (y/n) away is only gonna make your punishment worse kotoha... now come bring her back. I swear this is all a misunderstanding."

She panicked and then said

" I'm sorry... tell inosuke I'm sorry that I broke my promise too... be safe (y/n)...."

Last thing I knew I was pushed and ended up falling backwards

" ....!"

I watched as doma came and killed her looking down at us with his rainbow eyes. He was rather pissed..

I stopped in my subconscious and my eyes were wide

" who was she— inosuke— I don't remember what is happening.. I have to be dying. Just make it stop!"

I covered my head and felt the fever heat now- this must be because of my blood loss making my Brain and soul scream- I have to be dying.

I stopped and then said

" why is there so many memories I don't remember- it's— all annoying.."

In this moment I snapped my head up feeling a poke to my back. I stumbled and saw the wood sword. A very unimpressed sabito was standing there.

" sabit—"

" weak-"

" eh!?"

I held my head and looked up. I looked shocked to him but this soon turned to anger and frustration.


I cried and held my chest

" I can't be as strong as you and I can't emotionally hide myself like Giyuu! So give me a break!! You don't think I want to be like you two!? I want to be strong! It's not like I'm trying to do this!! This is just who I am!!"

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