ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ ᴊᴇᴛᴛ ʜᴄs

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•Jett supremacy!! Okay this windy girl is a laid back but active lover, you'll never have an uneventful day with this one.

•Of course the first thing Jett had to teach you was Korean, how else could you two conspire against the other agents?

•Learning Korean with Jett and Japanese with Yoru is the best, congrats you are now trilingual!

•First date? Walking around the city late a night with some street food, it was calming and you two really got to know eachother.

•Jett acts all cool around you but on the inside her heart is threatening to jump out, you are her favorite person ever.

•Just like Phoenix, whenever you and Jett go out you have your occasional plus one aka Phoenix, you guys make him carry the bags you have from shopping.

•Staying up late at night to watch Jett some new tricks she practiced for missions, you always encourage her the whole time.

•Missions are chaotic if you ever get put with Jett, Phoenix, Sage, and Raze, Your girlfriend is off dashing around the map while Raze is blowing up everything around her and Phoenix is trying to get an ace, then theres age trying to keep her sanity.

•Jett stole Phoenixs ace, you found that hilarious, he did not.

•Resting your head on Jetts shoulder while you guys ride the air ship back to base? The dream.

•You two just slump into bed after missions after cleaning up, it feels great after a long day.

•Jett is pure energy, so when she's really pumped up, she becomes a hassle.


•Like I said, Jett is pure energy but that doesn't mean you always want to deal with it, it can become annoying at times.

•Jett trying to impress you almost resulted in broken bones or death.

•Jett likes to just leave sometimes and doesn't tell you, this girl would come back in the middle of the night and shrug it off.

•Her competitiveness also becomes dangerous when it comes to missions.

•When Jett gets hurts on missions she trys to refuse any healing from Sage so she can seem tough around you.

•Jett has had to get revived from Sage once, it really messed with your head for a whole month after watching that happen.

•You've also had to get revived once due to a mistake during a mission, Jett could not stop crying for a week.

ɪʟᴇꜱᴏ ¡ Vᴀʟᴏʀᴀɴᴛ Hᴄ'ꜱ\Sᴄᴇɴᴀʀɪᴏ'ꜱWhere stories live. Discover now