thirty two.

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    " 𝐘ou liked that one mama?" Illyan asked Soleil as they both were on their way to the car

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" 𝐘ou liked that one mama?" Illyan asked Soleil as they both were on their way to the car. Just got done visiting a house.

" I liked it but it didn't give me that click you know? I didn't feel like we could be living in it" she shrugged as he opened the car door for her. " Thank you papa" she smiled as she got in.

Illyan nodded and closed the door behind her, he quickly jogged to his side of the car and got in. " If youn' feel it we ca' go look at other houses baby it ain' a problem" he nodded kissing the side of her face, noticing the frustrated look on her face. " Talk ta' me" he then spoke as he watched her turn a lil bit so she would face him.

" I-I feel like I'm being too complicated" she admitted. " I don't wanna slow us down in the process of getting us a nice house" she played with her fingers.

" First of all" he took her hands in his. " You ain' slowin' anythin' down mama. You just want ya' first house ta' be perfect and that's understandable. I'a neva' blame you fa' it you hea' me?" he lifted her chin up.

" I hear you" she nodded and smiled. Soleil was most definitely grateful for Illyan, and all the blessings that came with him.

Just as he was about to peck her lips, his phone rang making him suck his teeth. He ignored it and tried to kiss her before getting stopped.

" Aht sir take that phone call" she pushed his head away, a small chuckle leaving her mouth once she noticed the annoyed expression that sat on his face.

Illyan huffed and picked up the phone obviously irritated. He haven't really been around Soleil lately since he was in the process of quitting his illegal activity. You could think that quitting this type of career path would be easy but it was the total opposite. He had a lot of things to take care of before he could "retire".

" Yeah?" he mumbled as he laid back in his seat, his hand rubbing his lover's pregnant stomach to calm him down.

" I need you fa' one last mission" Bossman spoke through the phone. And that was enough to make Illyan sit up with the quickness.

" Boss you know I can't do that" he breathed out, shaking his head. Just the thought of going back on the "field" made him shiver. Illyan would never admit it out loud, but his last mission, the one that almost got him killed traumatized him.

Before he met Soleil, he didn't care about dying, he had nothing to loose and nothing to live for. But now he has a future wife and a child that he provides for , he couldn't get caught slipping.

" I know, I know but this one important" Honoré stressed, as Illyan could hear the distress in his voice.

" Boss I'm technically 'retired' meanin' Ion' work fa' ya' no 'mo" Illyan chuckled as he felt Soleil tense up under him. He looked at her confusingly and sighed. " Ask Shiesty ta' do it. I'a train him an' you ca' get him out thea'. He already a good shotta'," he offered.

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