Q&A with the Author

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Interviewer: Hello and welcome to Ask Away. Today we will be interviewing the Author of Living with the Millers. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Daniella or as the fans say, Catchadonut!

Daniella: It's a pleasure to be here.

Interviewer: So Daniella, a few people privately dm'ed you with messages. Do you think you are ready to answer them.

Daniella: If they have answers, I am sure I will be able to. But umm before that do you uh have some doughnuts I sort of skipped breakfast.

Interviewer: *hands Daniella a tray of donuts* I had a feeling you'd ask for them anyway first question of the day. Will there be a sequel.

Daniella: I will be completely honest with you. I am not very sure. Right now, I am not planning to write one because there's a lot on my plate and school in my country is starting soon soo...

Interviewer: *gapes* How are you done with the donuts already?

Daniella: I have a special set of skills.

Interviewer: Okayy.. Next question, Where did the camera go?

Daniella: *smiles wickedly* You'll see soon.

Interviewer: This one is really interesting.. It says, we are tired of guessing. Just tell us what the Christmas present is.

Daniella: *laughs until she falls off the couch* Ok ok. Guys, like I said, it's not grand. Plus, you'll just have to wait. I may or may not reveal it today. *winks*

Interviewer: What inspired you to write this book?

Daniella: Umm I don't know frankly speaking. I won't lie and tell you I have always loved reading and writing books because I didn't. In fact, at a certain point, I hated them and thought they were boring. But I guess when your are stuck at home for two years, your way of thinking changes. Also, one of the first books I ever read on Wattpad was Living with the Walters, I think that's the title. It's been a while. Anyway, I absolutely loved the book and then I'm like. Why not? I just wrote a book with no dreams that I would even reach 200 reads and I was content.

Interviewer: What happened to the Greek Quiz?

Daniella: She turned it down. Ella had a lot going on in her life and I don't think she could stand more. She probably would have gone into a coma.

Interviewer: Did you choose Ella's name from your own, Daniella?

Daniella: No. By the time I actually realized this, I already has so many plans for Ella and I was like just go with it. It will be fun I guess.

Interviewer: Will there be a book in Tristan's POV?

Daniella: I know I didn't exactly put the full exposure on Tristan's life here therefore need for another book so I am thinking about it. Like I said, I have a lot on my plate and school is starting in less than a month.

Interviewer: We're going more personal now. What's your full name?

Daniella: Daniella Last name to be determined. Sorry, I can't give out my name.

Interviewer: How old are you?

Daniella: 105

Interviewer: College or high school?

Daniella: Kindergarten. Kidding, I think I'll say High school?

Interviewer: How many siblings do you have?

Daniella: Too many to count. Actually, they're just four. All boys. And before you ask, it is purely a coincidence. I don't believe in the writing pet peeve known as self insertion. I realized like Ella, I am practically the only girl leaving with boys when I was already at chapter ten.

Interviewer: Zodiac?

Daniella: I don't believe in Zodiacs. But my birthday's in October.

Interviewer: Favorite Wattpad book?

Daniella: This is where I am torn. I have a whole list of favorites.

Interviewer: Would you mind naming them?

Daniella: Not at all.
~The Prince's Soulmate
~The Prince's Fiancee
~Babysitting the bad boy
~The Player Next door (the one with Luke Dawson)
~The Good girl's Bad boys: The Good, the bad and the bullied
~Living with the Walter boys *I think that's the title*
•That's all I can think of for now.

Interviewer: Are you willing to write another book?

Daniella: We'll just have to wait and see.

Interviewer: Favorite food?

Daniella: Pizza. No doubt.

Interviewer: Favorite book series. Not Wattpad.

Daniella: Percy Jackson and the Olympians and then the series that follow it, Heroes of Olympus. And then after that, I'll have to say Harry Potter.

Interviewer: Really? What's your Patronus?

Daniella: A proud Pegasus

Interviewer: Hogwarts house?

Daniella: Ravenclaw

Interviewer: Olympian parent?

Daniella: Poseidon... and sometimes Hades.

Interviewer: Favorite character in Harry Potter?

Daniella: Hermione Granger

Interviewer: In Percy Jackson?

Daniella: Percy Jackson himself duh.

Interviewer: Okay okay, I think that's it for today's episode of Ask Away. Any words to the readers?

Daniella: Thank you all so much for being on this journey with me. You have all encouraged me in many ways to finish this so thank you. I know we all love these characters some of you even more than me. Umm I'd like to give a special shout-out to some of my best Wattpad family members








Thank you for always voting and commenting and supporting me.. I love all of you even the one's I haven't mentioned.

Interviewer: Wonderful. Readers are reminded to ask the Characters as many questions as they'd like. See you next time on Ask Away.

Interviewer and Daniella: *wave frantically at the screen*

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