chapter 7 \•~•/

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Cartman's mom turned the wheel quickly, Kyle and kenny going flying aroumd in the back once more.

"What the hell are your seat belts cut and brocken?!?" Kyle shouted.

"Because I don't want you guys to be safe. Also, this is my mum's car and she said I can do what I want to the car seats." Cartman said, snickering.

Within every turn the car made, kenny and Kyle just went flying.
Kenny trying to be careful not to hurt Kyle as they were off to see Stan, knowing he'll be back after 4 months of being away.

As they turned into the airport, the three boys got out and headed straight to gate 5 where Stan would be. As they ran to the gate, Stan and his family were already there.

Kyle shouted the boys name, causing Stan to turn his head and drop everything he was holding to run towards his lover. The two hugged before kissing, Kenny and cartman finding rather cute.

"Welcome back my love." Kyle said, Stan smiled.

"It feels great to be back home again." Stan replied, his mother gave him permission to go with his friends.
Stan thank his mom before leaving with friends, going into the car of hell as they drove back.

"Welcome to the hell car, the seat belts are brocken and cut so enioyy the ride." Cartman said, Stan already regretting getting in the car.


"Wait, wait, wait! So your wanting to be a councilor like Mr Mackey? That awesome dude! Expected you to be more like a photographer do you can take pics of the hot chics." Stan said as Kyle snuggled into him. Kenny just smiled as he kept reading a book.

"Yeah, he mostly helped is out and I feel like it really had helped me out a lot. I really wanna help other out aswell and don't get me wrong that would be fun to take picture of them but no." Kenny said, making Stan and Kyle laugh.

It wasn't long before Karen wondered in, asking kenny to play with her. Kenny nodded before putting down his book and wondered out of the room, leaving Kyle and Stan.

Kyle and Stan smiled at one another before Stan whispered something within Kyle's ear, causing him to blush madly and push him off the bed. Stan laughed as he fells, causing kennys backpack to fall over.

"Come on! I was only joking!" Stan said as he laughed, Kyle giggled slightly before looking at kennys backpack.

"Hey, what's that?" Kyle said as Stan turned his head over to the other males backpack, seeing a question mark pendant out of kennys backpack.

Stan picked it up, looking closer at it.

"It looks like a pendant of some sort, what could it mean thought? It looks awfully like what mysterion wears on him." Stan said as he handed it over to Kyle as he sat down.

"It does, doesn't it? Wait, why would kenny have something like this? Or how could he even afford it? Him having this would have been impossible from the family he came from unless..." Kyle said, trailing off as stans was left confused.


"Kenny had this for an entire different reason and he is..." Kyle said, Stan left speechless.

"That would then leave kenny this whole time is...."


The hour of darkness came by, the stars shined within the night while the crescent moon glued in position.

Mysterion watched as police arrested crooks, he just sighed.
The night was cold, like normal.
The coon, still annoying and trying to take credit for everything mysterion does himself.

Choose hasn't been seen in a good few months, mysterion believed he was probably planning his next move.

Mysterion wondered around a bit around the town, seeing nothing and no danger at all within the town.

"Since their is nothing to do, maybe I should just-"

"Hold it right there, you son of a b*tch!" Mysterion heard, sighing before turning his head to see the coon standing there.

"What now?" Mysterion asked, the coon had a very annoyed impression on his face.

"What now?! You need to stop this and reveal yourself to the world! More and more crime is coming because of you! Your the reason!" The coon said, mysterion sighed.

"Look, cart- I mean the coon. The more crimnals that come is the more they need a hero, the more reason I must stay. Rather you enjoy it or not, I am not leaving. Even if you force me to, I won't go." Mysterion argued back with, the coon became more annoyed.

"That's it!" The coon said, grabbing it a syringe and tried to stab mysterion. But at the end of it, the coon was the one injected by it and was left unconscious.

Mysterion sighed, sticking his middle finger at the unconscious coon.

"Next time, be more clever." Mysterion stuttered before leaving the coon on the roof.

Mysterion jumped from roof to roof before jumping down into an alley.

"Darkness falls..." he said, turning back into his normal self where everyone knew him.

He walked around a bit before heading into a house, gently and quietly opened and closed the door.

Only two words caused him to jump out of his skin.

"Hello Kenny"

Kenny heard, turning his head to see....

'What are you gonna do now?'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora