Chapter 19

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||VERY Short Chapter ||

"Hello, may I help you with anything?" A nurse said at the front desk, Butters took a deep breath in.

"Yes, we're here to see Dougie. He was my sons friend and he is worried sick about it." Stephen told the nurse, the nurse nodded.

"Oh yes, he just got back from having surgery. He is in room 6 just down this hallway." The nurse explained, pointing down at a hallway.

Stephen thanked the nurse before him, his wife and son made their way towards door 6.

Butters took a deep breath in before opening the door, seeing his old friend lying on a hospital bad with bandages and tubes all around him.

"How close was Dougie to it?" Linda asked, the nurse couldn't say think.

"No one knows, we would say he was very close to it due to how bad his injuries are. Multiple burns everywhere around his body, mostly to his right arm and face were the most damage. Were lucky that he has survived for this long. If he keeps going the way he does then he will survive." The nurse said, Butters thanked the nurse but kept his eyes on Dougie.

"Has he ever woken up nurse?" Butters asked, the nurse shook her head.

"He hasn't sir. He only stuttered something along the lines of Kites if I am correct." The nurser replied with before heaving to take off from the room.

Linda and Stephen only watched as Butters just looked at his beloved friend who layed injured unfront of him.

"B-butters... I think we should go..." Stephen said, Butters didn't move a muscle.

"Can I... stay a little longer please? I know he won't hear me but... I wanna say something to him." Butters asked, his parents said he could before leaving the room.


"They did this didn't they? Mysterion and his new little sidekicks?" Butters stuttered, his tone changing to a very angry one.

"They won't get away with this. None of them will! I swear that they will pay one way or another. I swear.." He said again to himself before looking back to Dougie.

"Our project will be complete. Choad will rain towards and against them all."




Vile Sector No. 347



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