chapter 3 •~•

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"B-butters is leaving to?......" Kenny asked, Cartman sighed.

"Yes, he is. He apparently told everyone on the last day that he was leaving but I never got told and I was with him the whole final day. My main question is did you guys know?" Cartman asked, Kyle and Kenny shook their heads.

"Nope, first time I'm hearing this. Well beside from Tweek and Craig's little incident here..." Kyle said.

"What do you mean?" Kenny asked.

"Well, we all know two months ago Craig's family made him go with them to live in France and Tweek didn't take it well, very bad that he actually tried to make Craig miss his flight. In the end, Tweek never even got to say goodbye to Craig, he only has Craig's hat now to remind him of Craig." Kyle explained, Cartman nodded.

"Maybe Butters didn't want anyone knowing about him and his family moving away." Cartman suggested, Kenny nodded.

"Yeah, that might be it. Only butters and his family would know that. Come on let's go." Kenny said as the three set off, out the airport to see cartman's mom still waiting for them.

"So, did you make it in time?" Cartman's mom asked, Cartman nodded.

"Yep! We made just at the second drop." Cartman explained.

"Come on boys, I'll bake yous a pumpkin pie 🥧!" Cartman's mum said, the three nodded as cartman's mother began driving away from the airport.
Kenny felt kinda sad butters was leaving, deep down he hoped it was someone else he saw that looked awfully


Tweek sighed as he looked out of his window, feeling so empty and broken.
He turned his head to the door as he heard someone knock on it.

"Go away...." Tweek said as Token and Clyde walked into his room.

"Okay, Tweek. I know you miss Craig very much, which is why we have a surprise for you!" Token said as Tweek just looked at them with the face of a heartless person.

"Can't you see on busy?...." Tweek asked.

"Your just looking out the window..."
Clyde said, Tweek sighed.

"Exactly...." Tweek replied.

"Okay, well. Tweek, this will make your thrown go far away because...." Token said before trailing off, Tweek turn his head back to the window.

"Really? This is how you greet me back for good now?" Tweek's head turned quickly to spot Craig Tucker just standing their with a duffle bag in his hand and a smiled paced on his face.

"C-craig?....." Tweek asked, Craig nodded.

"Yes hun?" Craig said, Tweek dashed quickly and hugged him.

"Your back! Your back! What do you mean 'for good'?" Tweek asked, Craig giggled.

"Well, your parents said I could stay with you guys. Meaning, I'll never be leaving you." Craig said, Tweek began kissing Craig but this time it was straight on the lips.

"Okay, Clyde. Let's just go." Token said, Clyde quickly nodded and they both left the couple.


Kyle looked out of the window, seeing the Mysterious figure jumping from roof to roof.

"Guess Mysterion is out to make sure no trouble is gonna happen..." Kyle stuttered, hearing his door open as he turned around to see Kenny.

"Your still up to?" Kenny nodded to Kyle's question, Kenny sat down.

"It's been ruff, Stan has left aswell as butters.... You got the love of your life. As for me..... I never got to tell butters....." Kenny said, Kyle sighed.

"Yeah, I know how you feel. Trust me, everything will work out! I promise." Kyle said, Kenny sighed as he nodded.

"I hope so. Also, did you hear about Mysterion? How they were able to take down five robbers with one hand while their other as tied to their back?" Kenny asked, Kyle laughed and nodded.

"Hell yeah! Dude, how can he- wait, why did you say 'them'?" Kyle asked.

"Because no one knows their gender. It could be a girl and everyone is calling them a boy." Kenny said, Kyle nodded.

"That makes sense." Kyle said as Ike came into the room.

"Ike, why aren't you asleep?" Kyle asked, Ike wondered towards Kyle's window.

"I wanna see the super hero." Ike replied as he stared out the window, trying to get a glimpse of the masked hero.

"Okay Ike, time to go back to bed. You have a big day tomorrow as your going to the fourth grade." Kyle said as he picked Ike up and walked out his bedroom, leaving Kenny sitting their.

Kenny giggled as he knew it'll take a while for Kyle to put Ike in bed and make sure he's asleep will take him a while like for the past two weeks.

-----( Mean while )-----

"Professor chaos! I've gotten news! Mysterion was able to defeat them with only one hand while his other hand was tied to his back." General disarray explained, chaos sighed.

"Did you manage to get anything that'll reveal him?" Chaos said, general shook his head.

"Negative, they couldn't as Mysterion beated the shit out of them before they could do anything. I'm sorry, the coon's plan failed again." General disarray said, chaos stood up.

"That's it! The coon has failed more than once now and now we're going off track and failing ourselves because of his actions! His plans are useless!" Chaos argued, general nodded.

"But how are we gonna get him to reveal himself? I mean, the coon's first plan nearly went a success but Mysterion wore two masks so when he took the first one off the other stayed on and he then said he'll never remove his mask till the world is safe." General disarray reminded him, chaos giggled.

"Oh, don't worry..." Chaos said.... Laughing insanely......

"I've got a plan that'll definitely unmask him for good....."

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