Chapter 29 Finalè :D

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"Kenny?!? Kenny?!?" Karen shouted and begged as she watch her brother's heart moniter keep beeping.

"Kenny will be alright Karen, we have to wait. I know its been nearly a week since he's been in here but qe just have to hope he makes it through." Sheila said.

"Feels like he's been in here longer then that...." Kyle said, Stan nodded as the doctor walked into the room.

"How is he doctor?" Stan asked.

"Well, everything seems to be in order. Nothing is wrong except for a bit of an infection from where he tried to perform a C-section on himself. What he done was stupid but a very bold risk. He should be fine, I just want to give you this medication he will have to take once he leaves the hospital." The doctor said as he handed over the medication to Sheila.

"How's the baby?" Stan asked.

"The newborn was born healthy and well. He has a beautiful baby girl." The doctor said.

"Now if you excuse me, I have to perform an operation to remove an ace off of someone's arms. They'll most likely loose their arm but we can only try." The doctor added before leaving the room.

Once he left, Karen went back to begging and pleading with her unconscious Brother to wake up but yet to no avail.

"Come on dude, you have to wake up." Kyle said, Stan held Kyle's hand.

It felt like time had frozen in place, it didn't feel like time had flown by at all.

"Kenny.... Please... No." Karen began to choke on her own tears as she kept trying to beg her brother to wake up.

Silence just grew, but that was all cut with three words.

"What's going on?" They all heard, spotting Kenny had woke up.

"Kenny!" They all shouted as they all hugged him, Kenny winced in lain a bit.


Within a few days, Kenny was released from hospital alongside his baby girl.

The boys were madly curious about who was going to loose their arm.

That was until they spotted Cartman being more miserable then ever as he came out with a stub where one of his arms should have been.
The two boys were released on the same day, they even spotted someone running out shouting how free they were from swet and sh*t.

Kenny decided to name his daughter Kelly as that's what Karen wanted to name her.

However their was still one thing that worried Kenny.


They never caught him and he got away after that massive robot battle.
The town still suffered from the damage Chaos caused.

Some nights, Mysterion would still wondered around the damaged town, still searching for Chaos.

But not a single clue of where Chaos had vanished off to.

That was until... Mysterion spotted Chaos standing infront of where the destroyed robot was.

"You really actually destroyed this?" Chaos asked, Mysterion refused to let his guard down.

"You nearly destroyed this town! Do you know how much this place is to people?" Mysterion shouted in reply.

"You know, I've always asked this. Why do we fight? Why don't we just end this bickering?" Chaos said as he turned his head to see Mysterion.

"Your the one who started this, now you wish to end this? Your wanted here, I'm just making sure you get what you deserve." Mysterion replied.

Chaos just shrugged.

"You have nice arms." Chaos complimented, Stunning Mysterion confused.

"Don't try and change the subject!" Mysterion shouted, Chaos just grinned.

"Why do you have to be so annoying Mysterion? Why can't we have just a romance?" Chaos asked.

Mysterion remained confused before Chaos began slowly walking towards Mysterion.

"I will win your heart one day ya know~" Chaos said, Mysterion prevented eye contact with that remark.

"I'll make sure to punch you if you ever try it." Mysterion said, Chaos chuckled.

"We will meet again. I promise you that~" Chaos said before a struck of lightning came out if nowhere and without hesitation, Chaos was gone.

"Until then Chaos... " Mysterion stuttered to himself before he called it a night and decided to head back to Kyle's.

From that day on....
It was quiet...
Far to quiet to Kenny's liking.

But with this, Kenny finally accepted and believed Chaos has finally stopped with his wicked ways and hopefully found peace.
With that, Mysterion was nowhere to be found.
No Human Kite, Toolshed, Super Craig.
No superheros were ever found again.

Karen was upset as her guardian angel was never found again but Kenny was able to play it off as they had to protect someone else.

Kenny worked as a Councillor and really did enjoy it.

Kyle and Stan were happily in love and within 4 years of their relationship they were happily married. Wendy wasn't happy with this but she only had herself to blame for that.

Craig and Tweek named their children Sophie and Theodore.

Everything seemed to be fine.

●~●~●~●~●~●~●~●~●~●~ Fred ~

"They think this is over?" The mysterious person chuckled.

"This is only the beginning and not the end."

"Oh? You thought this was truly the end? Oh no no no no no. Just because this story is at the end doesn't mean the story it truly over~. At the end, I will always win."


This story was a lot of fun making and I am thankful to those who have enjoyed this!
From when this story was released in 2021 to now June 2023, I am thankful to everyone.

Their may be a possible sequel, but at the moment that hasn't been decided. I'm not putting hopes a sequel will happen but it may happen but for the time being thats a we will see. If a sequel is released, I will be putting hints of what you will see in the sequel.

The Southwark danganronpa is still in the making and I will announce when it's been released.

Thank you for reading 'What are you gonna do now?'

If their is any questions please do ask and I will happily answer.

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