Chapter 25 (^_^)

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/||2:24 A.M ||\

That was the time Kenny spotted when the pain stopped.

Kenny sighed with relief when the pain stopped, but the feeling of panic about the pain began to grab him at his heart.

"Don't you dare try this now... This isn't the best time..." Kenny said through gritted teeth as he got back up onto his feet, trying his best find some sort of escape in the cell he was trapped in.

"Come on, their has to be something. ANYTHING!!" Kenny pleaded and shouted loudly, panic rushing through his body.

Within a matter of seconds, Kenny was just panicking all over again and again.

That was until....

Kenny sighed...

Taking a deep breath to maintain his focus.

'I have to breath.... Focus, I can't panic over this... I have to find a way to escape... But is their a way to get out? Do I have to wait for Kyle and Stan?' Kenny thought to himself as he sat back down in the ground, looking around his cell.

"Their has to be a way...."


"So did Stan ever contact you after you gave him the letter?" Bebe asked, excited and curious as she done Wendy's nails.

"No, he got beaten really badly and was asleep when I went over. Kyle said he would give it to him." Wendy said as she checked her phone once more, still no message off of Stan.

"Kyle is nice, he would make sure the letter will get to Stan!" Bebe replied with, Wendy nodded and smiled.

"What if he says no?" Wendy questioned, bebe sighed.

"Well I mean, I did tell you how bad your plan is. You tried something that failed... Badly. Very badly. Now your begging on your knees to get Stan back, INSTEAD of the other way round. YOU wished for him to beg on his knees." Bebe reminded her, Wendy looked away with a frown on her face.

"I know. I know what I did and now I'm wanting to make things right. I just hope Stan will give me another chance." Wendy hoped and wanted to beg, Bebe just raised an eyebrow towards her.

"I don't know, he might have moved on. He might have found someone else." Bebe suggested, Wendy just glared at her.

"Their isn't anyway that would happen!! Stan loves and loved me! Their isn't anyway that would happen!" Wendy shouted, Bebe remained unfazed by it.

"You don't know as you dumped him almost 6 years ago when we went into fifth grade, we finished grade school 1 year ago. Things can change during that time, you never know." Bebe explained, Wendy's eyes began tearing up.

"I just want to say... Your so wrong." Wendy only replied with before remaining silent after that, Bebe just shrugged it off and continued doing Wendy's nails.


"All the hallways clear?" One of the minions asked another minion, they nodded in response.

"Good! We can't let anyone or anything near the prisoners at any cost!" The minion added, the other one just nodded once again.

"I understand, but who would suspect we would just didn't move and continue here?" The other minion asked, the minion sighed.

"True. We not that dumb are we?!?" The minion joked, both began laughing but stopped when something metal hit the ground.

"A trap had been set!!" The minion said before the two rushed towards the sound of it, soon spotting a few other minions surrounding the cage.

The two grouped up with the others.

"State your name and business!" One of the minions replied.

"It is I! Super Craig!" Super Craig announced, the minions looked at one another before back at Craig.

"Why are you here?! You sent you?!?" Another minion asked.

"I sent myself and I'm just here." Craig responded with.

"Don't be cocky with us!!"

Craig remained silent as he stuck both his middle fingers  in both directions.

"Enough with that! What are you doing!!" A minion asked, Craig just smirked.

"This is what I like to call the fuck-a-you-inator!" Craig proudly shouted.

"The what-"

Within a matter of seconds, many illusions of Craig's hand and its position began flying everywhere...

Destroying the minions but also the metal bars of the cage that he was trapped in.

"And that's why you don't underestimate the power of inators!" Craig said before leaving the holy cage and began just wondering down one of the halls, soon spotting the machine sparking with life.

Vile Sector No. 347



89% / 437


power connected

Project CHOAS Downloading...

Craig looked around the machine, almost getting shot by a strike of lightning. He looked up, spotting another pendant.

"This might be my lucky day, two pendants in one swing." Craig said as he climbed up on the machine.

"Hippity hoppity this is now my property." He said before grabbing the pendant and yanking it out, causing the whole machine to power down.

The screens turned black and the whole machine slowly began tearing itself apart.

Craig didn't look back as he then just walked away and back in the hallway.

Vile Sector No. 347


Progress lost


power disconnected

Project CHOAS Disconnected...

Awaiting power....

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