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"Hello?... can anyone @^@_÷;&#<# Hello?!?..."

"..." the person didn't not say a word as they listened through the radio.

"Can anyone;£<£,;=*£ me?! Hello?!?"

The person didn't reply again as they tinkered with some machinery.

"Oh what a world and day we live in today. The story seems to be over correct? But their is always the questions that remain. Like, what happens if he remembers his death and him actually confessing his love? Do they finally notice their enemies? Why is one trying to win the others heart? So many questions but not many answers till someone like the person behind the mask reveals it." The person said, the radio still trying to contact whoever it is.

"Don't worry... I won't waist your time any further than I possibly have. But I shall warn you that the story doesn't always end with a happy one. Kenny will always think Chaos is up to something. But where is Butters in all of it. He confesses his love and simply vanishes? That's something fad more questionable if you ask me~" They added, picking up the machine part they tampered with before placing in a bigger machine.

"But alas you might all think, who am I? Why am I the only telling you such information? Well, let's say the story is never over. Nah, this is very much the beginning of a bigger one. Don't worry, I will keep my identity quite unknown until I am certain on who can be trusted with such vital information." They spoke.

"For now, I'm more curious on many other things to be busy with what I was about to reveal. For now, this is goodbye. Always keep in mind I shall return with more fun twist and facts that I think might be very interesting. Like why Kennys mother and brother actually died and such. But that's a different time and story. So until we meet again my friends." The person added before turning off the radio, turning the whole room silent...

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