Chapter 63: Wind

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Alicia's POV

We were all making our way through the forest towards the mansion. Y/N and I walked behind the others; letting them lead us to the mansion. I was a ball of nerves. I would have to do some sort of training with someone that I haven't even met with. Not to mention that we might run into The Rake again. What if it kills one of us? What if it went after Y/N again? Would Y/N be able to fight it in the state she's in?

Y/N interrupted my thoughts. "Are you doing alright?" she asked. Concern was clear in her voice.

"I'm just anxious. What if we run into that creature again?" I asked.

"They said that The Rake usually doesn't roam this part of the forest. Besides, even if it does, the last fight with it gave me an idea of how it fights, so I know what I have to look out for if I come face to face with it again." Y/N explained in a calm manner.

"I guess that makes sense..." I mumbled out.

The rest of the walk was pretty quiet with the occasional small talk. We eventually made it to the mansion and made our way to Slenderman's office. The closer we got, the more nervous I got. I looked over at Y/N. She looked back at me and gave me a comforting smile before turning to face in front of her again.

We made it to the entrance of the office. Clockwork knocked on the large door. We all heard his voice in our heads. "Come in."

We all walked into the room. There was somebody else already in the office other than Slenderman himself when we entered. He wore worn out jeans, black sneakers, a yellow hoodie with the hood up, and a ski mask covering his face. The ski mask has a frowning face sewn into it.

"Glad to see all of you made it uninjured this time. Before we get started on Y/N's training, could you go find Eyeless Jack and have him take a look at her wounds? Once you guys are done with that, head to the usual training room. I'll meet you all there. I want to talk with Alicia here first." Slenderman said.

With that, they all left the room. Y/N looked back and gave me a small smile before leaving the room with the others. The only people in the room were Slenderman, this unknown person, and myself. I took a deep breath to calm myself down.

"Alicia, please take a seat next to Hoodie here." Slenderman gestured to the empty chair right next to the person I have yet to properly meet.

I did what he asked and took a seat by the hooded man. Right when I was settled, he started. "Alicia, I would like to introduce you to Hoodie." he gestured over to the hooded man.

I gave him a quick glance before turning my attention back to Slenderman. "Hoodie is going to be the one who is going to be training you. You are going to be training with him once a week. On Monday nights, you will help Y/N with her training with the others and I. On Wednesday nights, you will be training with Hoodie here. Seeing as it is Monday, you will not be training with him tonight. I just thought that I would at least introduce you to him tonight while Y/N gets her wounds looked at."

Not knowing what else to do, I just gave him a quick nod to show that I understood.

"Alright, we should go meet the others in the training room. Hoodie, you are more than welcome to tag along." Slenderman said as he stood up from his desk. Both Hoodie and I followed him out of the office. As we were making our way towards the training room, Hoodie just followed us through the mansion. I guess he decided to join us.

The three of us made it to the training room. My eyes landed on Y/N first; who had already taken off of her sweatshirt and had it tied around her waist. I saw EJ examining the wounds on her arms with Puppeteer and Clockwork right next to her. I made my way over to Y/N.

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