Chapter 16: Being Productive

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Alicia came into class 5 minutes before it started. We talked a little before class started. The teacher had a long lecture planned for class. I looked through my backpack for my notebook. I found it and took notes during the lecture.

By the time the lecture was done, I had 3 full pages of notes, front and back, on just that one lecture. There was still about 30 minutes left of class. The professor announced that there was going to be a group project over what we had learned over the last couple of weeks. Alicia and I of course partnered up for the project. We got a start on the project before the class was released.

I had 30 minutes to relax before I had to head to my next class. I decided to be productive and work on the project while Alicia and I talked.

"So, anything new going on with you?" Alicia asked.

I decided not to talk about the 'Puppeteer' guy, besides, she'd just think I was insane. "Not really, just school and work. Do you want to come over today after class? I don't have work today." I asked.

"Sure, why not? We could work on the project and order pizza." Alicia said. She took out a package of cookies. I just stared at the cookies. My stomach growled.

"Hey, are you planning on sharing those?" I asked.

Alicia smirked. "Why, do you want some?" she asked.

I looked down and spoke. "Maybe..."

I looked up and saw her handing me a cookie. I smiled and took the cookie. The cookie was gone within a couple of seconds. My stomach was satisfied for the time being. I continued working on the project until I had to head to my next class.

Nothing much happened during class. Just had to finish a worksheet and turn it in by the end of class. Any time you had left was free time. I had about 35 minutes of free time. I worked on the project some more while I waited for class to end.

After class, I met up with Alicia. "We still on for tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just let me grab some of my stuff and I'll see you at your place." she said.

"Ok. See you soon!" I responded.

I walked into my apartment and waited for Alicia. I continued to work on the project. I had a fair amount of the project done. I felt proud that I had been productive. We might even be able to get the project completed tonight!

40 minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Alicia standing there. She smiled and walked in and made herself comfortable on my couch. As I made my way over to her, I could see that she was already ordering a large pizza over the phone. "Alright, let's get started!"

His Little Marionette (The Puppeteer x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora