Chapter 12: Bad Day

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I woke to my alarm the next day. No visit from The Puppeteer that night. Thank god! I finally got a full night of rest. A bit more sleep than usual, but well needed sleep.

It was 7AM and I didn't have class until 10AM, so I had plenty of time to get ready. I was feeling really refreshed. Most likely because I finally had a full night of rest. I hopped into the shower and washed myself. I then picked out an outfit for the day.

After I was finished getting ready I checked the time again. 8:30AM. I have time to make myself breakfast again. After cooking and eating a good amount of bacon and eggs, I checked the time again. 9:35AM.

Looks like I'm going to class early again today. I was early to class again and sat at my usual spot. I once again listened to music until I saw Alicia enter the room. She sat next to me and looked at me. "You're looking a lot better today." she said cheerfully.

"That's because I finally had a full night of sleep. Right after you and Bella left, I immediately went to sleep." I replied.

We talked for a bit longer until class started. I remember that we were finishing giving out presentations today. I still had to give mine. My good day changed into a bad day when I remembered that. At least I had it done and with me.

There sat in my seat nervously. Time seemed to go by painfully slow. Seconds felt like hours. Eventually, my turn to present came up. I started to feel sick to my stomach.

I've never been able to give a presentation without getting nervous and stuttering. I got up and slowly made my way to the front of the room. I pulled up my presentation before turning my body towards the class. I looked out and saw everyone's eyes on me. I felt my hands start to get clammy.

I took a deep breath and started my presentation. I could hear how shaky my voice was. There were quite a few rough stuttering points throughout the presentation. I could see people whispering to each other, making me even more nervous. Were they talking about me?

By the time I was done with my presentation, I felt like crying and throwing up. I started to make my way back to my spot and I could feel my hands shaking. On my way back I heard a couple of girls giggle as I passed by. I made it back to my spot and I just looked down for the rest of the class. I couldn't pay attention to any of the remaining presentations.

After all of my classes that day, I made my way back to my apartment to change for work. I remembered that I had to work until close. I just wanted the day to be over. With presenting and having to work late, this day was ending up to be a bad one. I finished changing and made my way to work.

By the time I made it back from work, it was already 1AM. I was ready to go to bed. I was both mentally and physically drained. I changed into a pair of pjs and made my way to the bed. The second my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep.

His Little Marionette (The Puppeteer x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang