Chapter 19: Weird

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I started to get pretty tired. I checked the time on my computer. 11PM. I decided it was a good time to go to sleep. I got up and closed the window before crawling into bed.

I had started to fall asleep when I heard noises coming from outside my bedroom door. It sounded like a window opening. There was no doubt in my mind on who it was. I was pretty pissed at this point. Will I ever get a night of uninterrupted sleep?

I sat up on my bed and looked towards the door that was opening, revealing the man behind it to be The Puppeteer. I was still half asleep and my mind was drained from not having a full night of sleep. Being in this state, I didn't think twice when I angrily said, "Hey, ever heard of knocking?"

It took me a few seconds, but I finally processed what I just said to him. One wrong word and he could kill me. I sat there shocked that I actually said that. We both just stared at each other, frozen in our current positions.

We stared at each other for a solid 30 seconds before the awkward silence was broken by The Puppeteer. "Gotta say, wasn't expecting that..." he said, smirking.

I quietly sighed in relief that he didn't get mad. I got up and looked around for an escape route, but he was blocking the only safe way out. I looked towards the window. It was dark with the faint light of the moon. It was probably midnight, nowhere close to morning.

I turned my head to look at The Puppeteer again and I nearly fell over stumbling back. He was standing right in front of me and much too close for comfort. I heard him snicker at my surprise.

After a few moments of composing myself, I finally asked, "Are you ever going to leave me alone?"

"Nope." was his response.

"Is there a reason you keep showing up here?" I asked. I just wanted to know what he wanted from me so that he could leave. If I lose any more sleep because of him, I may go insane!

"Something keeps compelling me here. Something about you stumps me. I can't figure it out." he said, taking a step closer towards me.

I took a step back. "If I knew what it was, I'd tell you. I don't know why you see me as different. I'm just like everyone else." I said, still wishing that he would just leave so that I could get a night of peaceful sleep.

He took a couple more steps towards me. I took a step back and hit a wall. He took a few more steps towards me and I was trapped. He put his hands on the wall on either side of my head, leaving me nowhere to run. He looked at me as if he was in some sort of trance.

I held my breath. My eyes were wide with fear. I almost wanted to cry from how stressed he had made me with his visits. Something was about to happen, I felt it. I was at a loss of what to do.

Just before anything could happen, my phone started vibrating. The sound of the vibrating seemed to snap Puppeteer out of his trance and his hand fell at his sides. He looked at me with an expression that I could not quite read before he once again jumped out of my window.

I started to breathe normally again. I quickly reached for my phone on my nightstand to see that I was getting a call. There was no caller ID. Who would be calling me at this time of night? I answered the call.

"Hello?" I said. I received no answer, just static. Somewhere within the static, I could have sworn I heard a voice, but I didn't know what they said. After a few more seconds of just static, I frowned and hung up.

"Well, that was weird." I whispered to myself. I set my phone back down on the nightstand. I walked over to the window and closed it. I walked back into my room and sat down on my bed.

I was thinking over the events of tonight. What did The Puppeteer plan to accomplish by coming here? What was with that weird call? I decided that the questions could wait until tomorrow. I crawled underneath my sheets and went to sleep.

His Little Marionette (The Puppeteer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now