Chapter 21: Anger And Determination

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Five hours later, all of my classes were finished. I didn't have work, so I had the rest of the day to myself. I decided to get any schoolwork I had gotten today finished. By the time I was finished, it was 3:30PM. I decided to watch the news to pass the time.

I turned on the TV and saw that they were talking about the storm. Speaking of the weather, I looked outside and it was starting to rain. The storm had arrived. I was actually happy. For some reason, storms had always fascinated me.

Before I knew it, it was time for dinner. I just made myself a simple sandwich to eat. I made my way back to the couch with my sandwich and continued to watch the news. Nothing major was happening. No killings, no disappearances, everything was going fine for the city.

After I had finished dinner, I turned off the TV and headed into my room. I heard thunder in the distance. I smiled to myself. I've always loved storms.

I sat down on my bed. I decided that now was a good time to listen to some music. So I pulled out my computer and went to YouTube. I found my playlist of songs that I like and pressed shuffle. I let the music play and watched the storm raging outside.

A couple hours later, it was starting to get dark outside. I decided to watch some YouTube videos. Before I knew it, it was 11PM. I decided it was time to get some sleep. So I set an alarm on my phone before getting into bed.

I woke up to the sounds of thumping coming from outside of my room. He can't be here again, can he? I thought to myself as I checked the time on my phone. It was around 1AM. Why does he keep coming?

At this point, I was getting pretty mad. Ever since he started coming, I've been getting less and less sleep. I rarely ever get a full night of peaceful sleep. It's so infuriating!

I can't hold it in anymore! All this rage building up inside of me. I've never felt this angry before. I don't even care if I die anymore. The second he comes into this room, I'm letting it all out!

The handle of my bedroom door was turning. At this point, I was already standing up, glaring at the door. The door opened and I watched as The Puppeteer stepped into my room. He lifted his head and looked around my room, his eyes eventually landing on me. Now that he was here, it was time for me to let out all of this anger, anger caused by him.

Just the thought of letting all of this anger out filled me with determination. So without a second thought, the words started to fly out of my mouth. "Why!? Why do you keep coming here!? Don't you have anything better to do!?"

The words just kept on coming. I was unable to stop myself. "Do you have any idea how tired and sick I am of you coming here!? I don't know if you require sleep or not, but us humans do! Go back to wherever you came from!"

The words just kept spilling out of me. "Why did you even come here in the first place!? It enrages me that you feel that you have the right to sneak into my apartment whenever you feel like! Just leave!"

I finally managed to shut my mouth. I looked up at him. His face had shock written all over it. His eyes were wide and his lips were slightly parted. He just stood there, stunned.

After a few seconds of just staring at me, he took a few steps towards me. "Go away!" I yelled, determined to keep him away. It did nothing. He just kept coming closer and closer.

I started to walk backwards, wanting to stay away from him. I had no idea what he would do to me. I didn't know if I had enraged him or not. I couldn't read his expression. I didn't want him anywhere near me.

After taking a few steps back, I hit the wall. He just kept walking towards me. Eventually, he was right in front of me.

Just like last time, he put his hands on either side of my head. I was still glaring at him. Tears began to form into my eyes. I would never admit it to him, but I was scared. Scared of what he would do to me now that I had just yelled at him.

I refused to let any tears fall. I just kept glaring at him, refusing to let any of my fear show. I was still angry at him. I needed him to get away from me. So, with a great amount of anger and determination, I yelled, "Get away from me!!!"

He looked absolutely shocked. Was that because I yelled at him? I thought. He was looking down. I followed his eyes and my eyes widened.

I gasped. I could not believe my own eyes. There was no way this could be real! I looked down at my hands. They were glowing a bright red color.

His Little Marionette (The Puppeteer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now