Chapter 68: Another Diary Update

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The ravioli Alicia and Bella made was delicious. Alicia managed to save a little for BEN to eat once Bella left. Bella and Alicia stayed for a little bit before leaving. Soon, I was by myself in my room again; that was until BEN hopped out of my phone, scaring the shit out of me.

After BEN stopped laughing at me and I managed to slow down my heart rate, I told him about the ravioli Alicia saved for him. He left the room and I could only assume that he devoured the portion of ravioli that was left for him.

A few hours pass by, and boredom starts eating away at me. My computer and phone no longer seem fun in my eyes. I've resorted to just boredly looking around the room. My diary eventually entered my vision. I guess writing beats staring at a wall. I grabbed my diary and pen and got to work.

Not much time has gone by since my last update, but a lot has happened, and I'm bored out of my mind. So, let's start where I left off last time. With my first training session since The Rake attack.

During the training session, we tested out my newly found wind power. It was kind of hard to control at first, but I managed to get a hold of it. I got to show Jeff who was boss. He was no match for my wind power! He avoided me for the rest of the session.

Later on in the training session, Slenderman had me try to use my shield to move around the room. He had me activate my shield, stand on top of it, and try to move it all the way up to the ceiling. I managed to do that, but soon after, I lost my balance and deactivated my shield while trying to regain my balance. Puppeteer was fast enough to catch me in his strings. But when he caught me, the wound on my side opened up. The session ended after that.

The next day, Alicia asked me if I could come with her after class. I, of course, said yes. So, after we were both finished with our classes, Alicia found me and dragged me to one of the school's chemistry labs. There were a few other small groups in there, but we didn't mind them. Alicia made something that we used to make as kids, oobleck. While she was messing around with the oobleck she made, one of the groups managed to make a mixture that caused a huge explosion, knocking out everyone in the lab.

It couldn't have been more than a minute before I managed to regain consciousness. I looked around at the dire situation that surrounded me. Many students had major burns on them, fire was blocking the exits, and fire was fire licking the cabinet that held many of the chemicals. While I looked around, Alicia was slowly regaining consciousness beside me. We both were freaking out, for obvious reasons. Who wouldn't be?

As I was looking at the flames near the chemical cabinet, I felt a strange power burning within me. My hand was lifted towards the flames near the cabinet, and to my surprise and relief, the flames around the cabinet dissipated. Looking around, I saw that all of the students, except for Alicia and I, were still unconscious.

Looking at a particular student, I saw a pretty nasty burn on their arm. Feeling another new power surging through me, I walked over to the student and reached out to his arm. Seeing my hands glow a bright blue color, I noticed that the burn started to heal. At some point while I was healing the wound, Alicia made her way over and gawked at the wound that was slowly disappearing. After healing the student's burn, I noticed a burn on myself. I tried healing it as I did with the student, but nothing was happening.

After giving up on trying to heal myself, I shrugged it off and looked at the flames blocking the exits. I felt yet another power flowing through me. My body once again moved without my command, as if it was instinctual. Before I knew it, water was coming out of a faucet that my arm was pointed to. The water then moved towards the exit that led outside just as my arms directed it to. The fire previously blocking the exit was extinguished.

His Little Marionette (The Puppeteer x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin