Chapter 13

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Mary's POV

While Ashwood started for the stairs she looked at the oldest boy who held a baby boy and asked "what is your name and this cutie name?" "I'm Drake. I'm fifteen years old. This is Josh. He's five months old. This is June. She is seven months old. This is Jax. He is one years old. This is Justin. He is one years old. He is also Jax twin and Anna- Marie's brother. I can help with them if you want me to help." He says as he hands June to Mary. "The maids will take care of the boys and I got little June here. You go take a nice relaxing shower. You don't have to worry about taking care of everything anymore! That's my job now. You're job is to be the sweet boy you are! Now go enjoy your time alone!" Mary says as she cuddles little June. "Are you sure you can handle all of this mom? Oops I'm sorry I mean Mary." He said while blushing. "Drake honey you can call me mom anytime you want! In fact I'll tell you a little secret Anna- Marie and Violet will be going with your dad to work. Since he adores them so much. Mike will probably take the twins to his house because he has always wanted baby twins to spoil. Then it's just you and me to care for the rest of the kids. I'm sure you have your favorites and those are the ones you can spoil and take care of if you want to." She tells Drake. "Wow! Mom I didn't think you had it so well planned out! But I don't have any money. How would I be able to spoil James, Ben, Sam, and Savannah? I guess I'll have to get a job in the human world." He said smiling at Mary. "Nonsense you'll have an allowance that's going to be more than enough to spoil the kids and take care of whatever you need. But you're going to have to help me out with the names because my brain doesn't always work! Now go take your shower!" She said with a little laugh. "Are you sure mom? That can be a lot of money! Ok I'll take my shower but we're going to talk about this money thing later because I'm not use to having people just giving me money for no reason. Are you sure you can handle these two little monsters on your own with Josh and June mom?"Drake said just as a diapered Justin and Jax ran over to Mary with a wicked grin on their faces. "Oh yes I can handle them and little Josh and June go enjoy your shower!" Mary said as the maids came and took the twins. The twins started to scream."Mommy help they drown us! Help us!!!!!!" The maids were taken back. "We are not going to drowned you! We would never dare! We are going to give you a good scrub!" The twins got out of the maids hold and started to run down the hall knocking everything over as they went and screaming. "Bad ladies going to drown us help!!!" Just then Mary hands the babies to the maids while she grabs both of them by the ear and say. "You're going to be nice to these ladies! You're going to take your bath! You're going to get dressed! Then you're going to say sorry to Auntie Sky for messing up her house and if I hear that you gave them trouble you will be in time out and cleaning up any other mess you made up! Do you hear me boys?" The twins just stopped in mid run to see there adopted mom holding the other kids ear. They both keep screaming. "Help!!! We're being killed!!! Help!!!!!" Mary shook them by the ear to get there attention. This shut the boys up really quickly. The twins looked up wide eyed and opened mouthed like they were about to scream again but they just froze in place. "Now are you two going to behave or do I need to deal with you myself? I hope that will not be necessary because that would mean both of you are way to tired to watch a movie with us tonight after you eat your dinner. So that will mean you will go to bed immediately after dinner. So what is it going to be boys?" Both boys looked at each other and nodded and said at the same time. "We will be good mommy we promise! We want to watch movies and cuddle with you and daddy!" Mary nods her head and says. "That's what I thought! Now go with the maids and have your bath. Then come eat dinner then it will be movie time."

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