Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Mary walked down the driveway to the car. She couldn't shake the bad feeling she was getting but she brushed it off as a mother thing. She got into her car and started to drive home when she noticed she was being followed by a black SUV. "Shit!!! I have to lose these guys quickly!" Mary was saying as the phone started to ring. "Ash I'm being followed by a black SUV what do I do?" "Mary step on the gas and make as many turns as you can once you lose them to get home as fast as you can!" Ashwood told her. "Ok, I'll see you in three hours! I love you and be careful on your way home Ash. bye." After twelve turns she lost the SUV and gassed it home the boys were just walking up the driveway when she took the keys out of the ignition. As she stepped out of the car she said: "hi boys how was school?" Zedfield piped up "Mike has an essay on humans having powers because he couldn't keep his mouth shut." "Ok, you boys go on up to Mike's room and start your homework dinner will be ready in an hour or two." "Ok, mom." Mike called out from halfway up the stairs. After about an hour Mary shouted "dinner boys!" The three boys ran downstairs to the dining room to eat dinner. Mike asked, "mom where are dad and Hope at?" Mary looked sad and said "your dad had to work late again and Hope is at grandma's house. I wanted your boys to have a good time tonight." Mike cautiously asked, "mom which grandma did she go to spend the night with?" "She went to grandma Fay's house. Why do you ask?" Mary asked between bites. Mike gave John and Zedfield a look as if he was asking if he should tell his mom what his grandma Fay had been saying. Zedfield shrugged his shoulders. While John gave a slight nod. So he said, "Well she was saying some crazy stuff last week about how she was not human and that us kids weren't human or at least not fully human." Mary looked shocked. "What do you mean she said she is not human? Of course, she is human! What else could she be a werewolf or a vampire?"Mary ranted John asked, "are you sure she isn't telling you a story, Mike?" Zedfield said "yeah my grandma use to tell me of stories about fairies, dragons, elves, witches, and gremlins. She told me that they went into hiding because of some shade person. I learned to take my grandmas words to heart because she is an oracle of our pack." John looked at them and was about to tell them that Zedfield's grandma was telling the truth but mike's dad, Ashwood walked into the house. "Hi, honey! Hi boys. How was your day?" Mary takes a deep breath and says "you don't want to know!" Then Ashwood asks the boys. Mike replied, "I got stuck with three essays and one of them is on how and when humans got their powers because some jerk can't keep his hands to himself or his mouth shut." Then Zedfield started to tell him about what  Fay was saying to them when the house phone started to ring. Ashwood answered the phone. "Hello?" "Daddy help us some man with an ugly stuffie is in the house! Grandma Fay is fighting with him and she locked me in the basement." Hope whispered into the phone. "Stay there I'm on my way! Everything is going to be ok! " Ashwood said. By this time Mary and the boys had gathered around Ashwood. As Ashwood hung up the phone he turned around to see that his wife and the boys were there. "John, could you please call your dad, your's too Zedfield? There is an emergency at my mom's house tell them that the shade has found us! They will know what you're talking about! I've got to go I have to get to my mom's house now! " "I don't think they will care much since almost everyone in the pack and coven found out what really is going on behind their closed doors." Says Zedfield and John as they pulled out their phones as they giggled and did what they were asked to do. Mary asked, "are Hope and your mom ok honey?" Ashwood replied "I don't know honey. All I know is what Hope said. Hope told me that my mom locked her in the basement and that my mom was fighting with somebody. She didn't know who tho." Mike said, "I'm going with you dad!" As Zedfield and John just got off the phone with their dad and told Ashwood "our dads said that they might be able to meet you there. We are also going with you too! We can't let anything happen to Mike!" Mike looked at them with a weird look and asks "why can't you let anything happen to me?"Zedfield looked down and said "we wanted to wait till you turned 16 to tell you that you are our mate but since the shade has found your grandma, Fay. We decided to tell you sooner. I hope you are not mad that we didn't tell you sooner." Mike starts to cry. "Shhh, baby daddy's got you." John looked at Zedfield as if he had been out of his mind. "John I thought you knew our little baby mike is a little." Mike whisperers "Daddies me has a secret. I wanna tell you. But this is not the time to talk about this right now. We have to saving my sister and grandma Fay right now. Ok, let's go!" " Ok, but before we go let's get armed!" Ashwood says as he walks to a bookshelf and pushes a book in and the bookshelf moves. All the boys had a look of shock on their faces. Mike asks " since when did we have a hidden room dad?"All the boys stare into the room with big eyes. Finally, Mike asked, "dad what the heck is that?" Zedfield asked, "Ashwood is that what I think it is?" John just shakes his head and asked "How in green gables did you get them in here? They are huge!!" Ashwood just grins as he gets on one of the four dragons in the room. Then he said excitedly "these are babies! They will take us to dragon land so I can ask the Queen for help. Mike if you are lucky you will get your very own dragon for the rest of your life!" Zedfield and John look at each other and say at the same time "oh no! Don't you even think about bringing a dragon into our house!" Before Mike could even reply Mary walks into the room and says "What on earth do you think you're doing with four baby dragons in this house Ashwood Oliver Flowers? Where are their parents! The poor babies must be missing them greatly!" Ashwood gets off the large red and black dragon and tells Mary "these little guys were orphans, honey. I swear I didn't take them from their moms, as for them being in the house. Well I couldn't just leave them outside now could I?" Marry huffs and mumbles a few cuss words under her breath before taking a deep breath and says "I guess not but their room needs to be bigger! Until then they will be our pets. Do they at least have their rabies shots?" Mike buts in "mom they are dragons they don't need shots! Now can we go to grandma Fay's house?" Mary decided to call the girls to come over so that they could rant about their husbands.

Mary's POV
"Dragons!!! I can't believe he thought he could keep them hidden from me! The nerve!!!" Mary rants as Luna Dawn knocks on the door. "Oh thank heavens you came over Dawn!" "What is going on Justfield just shifted and ran out of the house like hellhounds were chasing him!" Dawn asked as she sits down on the couch. " Dawn I will tell you when Victoria gets here." Mary says as there was another knock at the door. Mary gets up and answers the door. "Oh, Victoria it is so good to see you!!" Said Mary as she leads Victoria into the living room. "It feels like it has been forever Mary! Oh, Dawn, you're here too!!! How are you both? Dawn, I think our husbands are at it again! Richard left yesterday claiming the laundry needed to be done but he didn't take any clothes with him." Victoria said while sitting on the couch next to Dawn. " I could be better but I'm good. Oh no not again!!! I thought a week in diapers totally discouraged them from that darn age plaything!" Dawn says with a sad face. "I know our babies and their dumb fathers are fighting the shades and gremlins! I think we should At least do something! My four-year-old is locked in a basement while my mother-in-law is fighting!" Mary says. "Then why are we just sitting here like a bump on along? Let's go show them shades what happens when you mess with our babies!" Dawn says looking at Mary. "Ok, should we drive or use a portal or use magic and pop over?" Victoria asks with a smirk on her face. As the women were sitting on the couch there was a knock on the door. They all looked at each other "who could it be? We are all here." Said Victoria "I'm gonna go see who it is but be ready to fight if it is a gremlin or a shade." Mary said. The other two nodes their head. As Mary gets closer to the door she hears someone yelling for help. Mary opens the door and she sees a female gremlin all by herself. "Ummm can I help you? Why are you by yourself little gremlin?" Victoria asked "I'm queen Fancy. I'm the queen of the gremlins. The shade has taken over my kingdom. My husband, king Midfield sent me to get help. Please help me! I don't know where else to go!" Fancy begged.

Dragon landOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora