Chapter 6

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As Mary was hugging Anna-Marie skylark was walking out of the office to get her brothers. On the way to the foster home, she couldn't get how someone could hurt a child like that. She was so deep in thought that she ran into a small green dragon that had bruises all over him and caring for a big blue duffel bag. "Where are you coming from little dragon?" Skylark asked in astonishment. "My name is drake and I ran away from my mean foster home! I'll caution you if you are going there. There are eight Babies there that are under five years old but I'm more concerned about the two little babies about a year old. They will not let out of the cribs and have been in the same diaper for three days now. Please help them!" Drake pleaded with skylark. "I'm on my way to get them out now but you will have to come with me because I'm taking you with me and I might be able to get you and the other kids adopted with the family that is adopting the two babies and Anna-Marie. They are great people and just love kids!" As they walk Queen Skylark's phone starts to ring "Ashy is there something you need? Ok, thank you so much Ashy they will be thrilled to hear this news!" She hangs up the phone while looking at Drake and says "guess what Drake I got some exciting news for you and the other children at that horrible house!" "What is it Auntie Skylark?" Drake asks "Well you see the couple that's adopting Anna-Marie and her brother wants to adopt all of you kids that are in this house!" Skylark said excitedly. "Really! I can't wait to meet my new mommy and daddy! What are they like Auntie Skylark?" Drake said as he jumped around excitedly. "Well the dad is a fairy and the mom is a human elf. They have a boy that is seventeen." Skylark told Drake. "YAY!!! You mean I'm going to have a big brother and a mommy and a daddy! I wonder if they will like me." Drake mumbles the last part.

Mary's POV
Mary looked down and noticed that Anna-Marie was asleep " honey what would you say if I said I wanted to adopt all the children that are in that abusive foster home?" Mary asked. "Well, Mary I would say ok let's do it!" Ashwood smiled. "Oh before I forget. Did you leave a pink and green dragon egg in the dragon room before you left?" "What are you talking about? There was no egg or anything in the room when we left." Ashwood said. "I guess we better call Skylark about the other children. When she gets back she can help us take the children to our home and she can see the egg for herself." Mary says as Ashwood pulls out an inter-world cell phone. "Yes. Sky please bring all the children from that home back with you. Yes, we want to adopt all of them." Ashwood hangs up the phone. "Are you sure you're ready to take on six more little ones along with Anna- Marie and her two brothers? That will mean we'll have ten kids total! One teenager and nine babies! This is going to be a lot of work! You sure about this hun?" Ashwood asked knowing his wife could manage an army if she had to. "Well we are going to need a lot of diapers and a bigger car and a bigger house but I think we can manage for now. Oh and that means I can get Mike's old baby clothes and toys out of the attic! I'm soo excited!" Mary whisper yelled as she tried to sit still.

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