Chapter 10

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Skylark's POV
Just as they were walking out of the house a car pulled up into the driveway. A tall skinny man got out of the car yelling "where the heck do you think you are going with those brats! They need to get back in there and do their chores and their homework!" The younger children try to hide behind the older children. One of the palace guards says "how dare you to speak to your queen like that you should be bowing down to her! We are taking the children to their adopted parents!" "Good riddance! They were eating me out of house and home! They were never grateful for what I gave them either!" The man now known as Mr. winters said. "That's not true! You never gave us anything and you always made us do all the housework! You even beat up Drake for not cleaning the dishes last night! And when he tried to explain that he had homework you punched him!" One of the littler kids said. Just like the guards were not there Mr. Winters made a grab for the child and slapped her and knocked her to the ground before any of the guards could stop him. "Arrest him now! Come on children we are getting out of here so that none of you are hurt again!" Skylark yelled as she went to check the little girl out to make sure she was not hurt. She asked, "are you alright?" The little girl nods her head as she makes grabby hands. Skylark picks up the little girl and they start the ten-minute walk to the palace. "I hope nothing else happens on the way to the palace!" Skylark says to one of the guards.

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