Chapter 14

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Mary's POV

While the kids were having their baths Mary calls out "Skylark do you have a few minutes I wanted to ask you about something that happened in the human realm this morning." "Of course I have time for any questions you have!"skylark replied "well on the way home from Ashes mom's house I was followed by a black SUV. Do you happen to know who might want to follow me? Or why they would follow me?" Mary asked "I know a lot of dragons that would love to follow you out of Curiosity because we don't get a lot of humans or fairies that adopt our kind. But dragons would have never tried to scare you or chase you! They would have wanted to meet you to see if you were kind hearted enough to raise a dragon child. Which I for one know you and Ash are more than kind hearted enough! I will also check with some of my connections and see if I can find out who it was that followed and chased you this morning! That's no was to behave to people like you and Ash! I promise I'll get to the bottom of this as soon as I possibly can! Does Ash know?" Skylark says "yes I called him when I first noticed they were following me. I just was thankful that I had already dropped little Hope off at her grandmothers house. Which is another problem!" Mary said looking worried. "What is it that is the problem Mary? Ashwoods mom is like a second mom to me! If she and Hope are in danger I'll stop at nothing to help!" Skylark said panicked. "The last time I heard was that the shade was there and little Hope was in the basement hiding somewhere! I don't know anything about this shade guy but he sounds dangerous!" Said Mary "oh no Mary you should have told me sooner! Run with me! We going to the war room and rally the warriors as soon as possible! Did Ashwood call the wolves and vampires to arms yet?" Skylark asked as they ran. "Yes the boys were having a sleepover and they called their dads as soon as they heard the call from Hope." Mary said as they reached the door to the war room. "Good that's one less thing I have to do right now! Don't get scared these dragons are the best of the best they won't fail Me or you!" Skylark said as 300 dragons landed in the war room. "Wow I'm impressed they are beautiful!" Mary said "boys we have a huge problem at the fairy Queen's house and the princess is there too! I need you to be careful the enemy is strong and powerful! You all have heard the stories of the shade! Well he's back and it's your duty to not let him kill the Queen and princess of the fairies!" Skylark yells so all can hear her as she stands on a table. "TO WAR WE GO!" All of the warriors yelled and growled and they all disappeared. Skylark looks at Mary and says "we don't tell Ash about this little meeting or anything that we talked about because he would be mad if I tried to help him without his knowledge!" Mary shakes her head and says " oh don't I know it! This is just girl talk!"

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