Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Skylark's POV
As soon as we walked up the driveway I could smell something nasty coming from the property. "Drake, what on earth is that smell?" Skylark asks as she held her nose. "Auntie Sky you really don't want to know what that smell is but it gets worse the closer to the house we get." Drake whimpers. "Well, I hope it is not a dead animal or something. Ok, let's go get the other children and head back to my office as quickly as possible. Ok, Drake?" The closer to the door the worse the smell got. Finally, they reached the door. Skylark went to knock on the door just as it was opened by a small girl about seven or eight years old. The girl was dressed in rags and in a pull-up. "Hello there! My name is Queen Skylark! What's your name honey?" Skylark asked "m-m-my n-n-name is Rayann. It's n-n-nice to m-m-meet y-y-you!" Rayann stuttered out. "D-D-Drake w-w-where hh-have y-y-you b-b-been? M-M-Mrs. P-P-Pepper has b-b-been looking for y-y-you! Y-Y-You b-b-better hurry to y-y-your room!" Rayann says to Drake in a whisper as she shoves Drake toward his room. "Ray why is she looking for me?" Drake asked but Rayann shrugged her shoulders. "Drake she can't hurt you! Stay right here. Rayann will you go get Mrs. Pepper for me while Drake leads me to the living room. Then, Drake, I want you to round up all the children as is while I talk to Mrs. Pepper." Skylark commanded the children in front of her. As the children ran off a short chunky woman walked into the living room and asked: "who are you and what are you doing in my house?" "I'm Queen Skylark and you have questions to answer," Skylark said as she started looking around for whatever was smelling so bad. "You're majesty I'm so sorry for the way my house looks today! And for the way I greeted you!" Mrs. Pepper said as she picked up a few dirty clothes from the couch. "First of all what on earth is that smell I'm smelling? It is awful and I'm so thankful that I'm taking all the children out of your care!" Skylark stood waiting for all the children to be rounded up because she was afraid to sit on anything. "Now  I don't know what you have been told but there is no bad smell and we don't abuse the children here!" The lady said while cursing under her breath. "Well, you will not be getting any more children until a thorough investigation has been done. All the children in this house have been adopted that's why I'm here actually." Skylark said as ten children ran into the living room screaming "hello your majesty!" "Hello, children! I thought there were only eight children in your care, not ten! Well, I guess the more the merrier! When we get to the palace you are all going to meet some nice people that want to adopt all of you! What do you think of those children?" Skylark announced. All that could be Hurd were shouts of joy.

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