Chapter 4

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Katsuki's POV

I woke up to my alarm, I got off the bed and put my laptop on my bed my phone was still charging. I went to take a bath and put on the clothes I took out for the day.

I grabbed my schoolbag and my laptop, phone and my car keys. My mom and dad gifted to me for my  wedding gift.

I also saw Izuku down stairs putting on his watch, but I walked and open the Front door and out my stuff in my front seat. I got into my car and started driving, I also saw Izuku getting into his car.

I drove to Tokyo University and was met with traffic. I cursed under my breath knowing I'll be late to class. The traffic began moving and I took the shortcut to my school and reached  ten minutes before school called in.

I walked to my class where my friends were. I opened my laptop and got ready for our lesson to start.

The professor walked in and started his lecture. We presented our project and my group got our full points. I walked to the cafeteria and ordered my lunch. I got a text from Izuku saying he'll be home late as if I care what he's doing. I seen his message and began eating with my friends.

"I can believe the baby of the group got married first, even though I tell you this so much time." Uraraka said

"Blame the Bakugo's for wanting a grandchild." I replied

"You know they're right since you'll be focusing on school and will be having a child in your thirty's or Forty's." Kirishima said

I sighed.

"This arranged Marriage is loveless and I wanted to fall in love with someone." I said poking my food.

"Then try falling in love with Izuku, I mean I don't know why you're still going by Katsuki Bakugo when you're married and should be using Katsuki Midoriya." Uraraka said

"I would give up my kidneys than to fall in love with Izuku. He doesn't even try to hold a conversation our lives are boring. He gets up go to work doesn't acknowledge me, then when he comes home, he does business work and the only time we even get to see each other is when eating dinner where we both will be sitting in a uncomfortable silence and I think that I will be going crazy. I don't know why my parents made a fucking arranged marriage for me like I'm for fucking sale." I explained

"Well Katsuki, I won't force you because we are like family, but just give Izuku a chance." Uraraka said

"I won't give him a chance, if my parents want a grandchild I could make a deal with me and making us have sex and then later on divorce with him seeing his child." I stated

"Don't ruin your body like that! No one's forcing you to do anything with him and if you hate him that much that. I'm just saying that both of you might spend some of your lives with each other." Kirishima said

I sighed and nodded. I mean they were right. I would be spending most of my life with that asshole.

"There's no way I would try to make a relationship between us when he himself isn't trying." I declared

"It's your life, you get to do what you want." Uraraka said

The bell rang and made my way to the next lesson which was really good.

Classes were over and I offered to drop Uraraka and Kirishima home and stopped to order a large frozen coffee that had in ice cream.

I drove home and saw that only the maids were there. I made my to my room and locked it. I sat and open my laptop around my desk table doing my work and also watching Tik Toks.

I finished my work and stretch in my chair. I saw that it was already late and I wasn't feeling hungry so I took a shower, dispose of my cup and went to bed with setting an alarm.

Izuku's POV

I reached home exact 11:00 and I made my way inside my house. I went to the kitchen and saw that food was placed on the table covered down, but it looked plenty. I saw a maid walking by.

"Has Katsuki eaten yet?" I asked

"No, he hasn't come down from this evening Sir." The maid answered

I thanked her and she left.

I normally do enjoy eating with Katsuki, I mean at least there is some one I get to come home to everyday.

I went and knocked in his room door, but didn't hear and answer and I could barge into his room since it was lock. I knocked on it again and heard shuffling inside and heard the lock clicked.

"What do you want?" He asked in his sleepy voice

"Oh I was just checking if you had eaten." I answered

"No, I'm not hungry." He said

"Well would you like to join me?" I asked

"Sometimes I don't understand you at all, at one point your this nice guy and then suddenly you're a guy making rules like pick a side. I know both of us were forced into this, but I can't do anything about it even if I tried." He said

"It sound as if you hate me." I said

"Oh I don't hate you, but if I had water and you were on fire I'd drink it." He said

"I just came to ask if you want to eat with me, but with the way you're behaving I guess that a no." I said

"I already ate out with Kirishima and Uraraka ." He answered

I nod my head and went back to the kitchen and ate by myself. I heard someone coming downstairs as I looked to see Katsuki.

He came around the table and picked up the chopsticks and began eating. I smiled mentally

Finally, I won't be eating alone again.



To warn my fellow readers this book will be having some angst and it won't be good, but for now the rest of chapters will be about how Izuku and Katsuki relationship develop.

I'm really sorry I might give my readers a reward if one chapters with smut, but for now that one or two chapters that will have angst will have there trigger warnings and if you can't take it, a brief summary will be placed at the bottom in bold.

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