Chapter 15

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Izuku's POV

The argument came out in the wrong way possible it's not like I didn't want to share this part of my life to Kat, but I wanted to forget it every single piece of it.

Katsuki stood there with his head hanging down, the room was so quiet not a word spoken.The only thinf I noticed was Katsuki's uneven breathing.

"I'm sorry Izuku, I'm sorry so sorry. I'm very sorry that I brought him up, but..." He kept apologizing

Why was he apologizing? I was the one who lied I'm the one who hurt him. Why are you apologizing?

"Do you see Monoma in me?" He asked

I froze, not a word could leave my mouth.

"Do you still love Monoma?" He asked again

Why can't I answer you?

"Do you even love me?" He asked as he lifted up his head, his eyes were red, but no tears, his cheek and nose were also red and it was all because

I couldn't answer him, my tongue was tied.

"I'll take your silence as a yes." He said as he walked away going upstairs in our room.

I wanted to go up and hug him and tell him how much I love him, how much I enjoy being around him, but why...why can't I move.

Katsuki came back down with a suitcase with his thing.

"You need time to figure things out and so do I. I'll come back when I find out what I want. I don't want to compete or compare my self to a person who is in rest. You need to see who you really love, because the way I see it you still need some healing because the past still lives in your heart." He said as he dragged his stuff into his car. I heard his engine start and he drove off.

I really messed up and it's bad this time. I went into my room and went into my night stand's locker. I saw the picture of Monoma and started crying.

"I hurt him, I hurt him so bad Monoma. I'm sorry but I got to let you go. I'm sorry... I'm sorry." I said caressing the picture frame as tears fell onto it. I took the pictures and went outside and burnt it. Katsuki was right I need to let go of the past and my past regrets.

Goodbye Monoma...

Katsuki's POV

I drove myself to Kirishima's, my mind was absent that I didn't even realize that I was at Kirishima's place.

It began to rain heavily as I grabbed my suitcase trying to run into Kirishima's house. I accidentally fell and scraped my hands and knees. I was soaking wet.

"Katsuki!" I heard Sero yelled in pure worry.

I burst out into crying as he came and embrace me.

" hurts." I cried

"What hurts?" He asked

"My heart it hurts. Izuku...he...he lied to me." I sobbed

"I know it hurts, but you're gonna get sick if you don't come inside. You can take a warm bath and tell us what's wrong ok." He reassured me.

"Okay." I said as I nod

He picked me up and also took my suitcase and we walked into the house. Kirishima stood there with a towel and hurriedly wrapped it around me.

"Okay, go take a shower and come back to tell us what's wrong." Sero said

"Okay." I sniffled and walked to the bathroom as I began stripping out my clothes.

Sero's POV

"Do you know what's wrong with him?" Kiri asked

"Umm something about Izuku lied to him." I answered

The look in his eyes looked familiar." I said

"Yeah, that's the look of heartbreak remember that's the same look when he broke up with Lida." He stated

"What could have happened between him and Izuku?" I asked

Katsuki's POV

My phone keep blowing up with message from Izuku and calls, but I just ignore him.

I stared at the ring he gave me and hold onto the hope in this ring.

There was a knock in the door and it was Sero.

"Katsuki can we come in?" He asked

"I'll join you both downstairs in a minute." I answered

"Okay don't take too long." He said and left a hoodie and sweatpants on the bathroom counter for me.

I came out of the tub and started drying off and putting on my clothes. Kirishima and Sero were sitting in the couch and I threw myself in the other one.

"So tell us what's wrong?" Kirishima said

"Remember when you told me to tell Izuku my past about Lida, well I asked him if he had a lover..." I said clearing my throat while wiping my nose.

"He said he doesn't have any lover, so I went through his stuff because I was curious and I saw two frames with a picture of guy that looks exactly like me and a picture of him kissing the other, with the caption 'my love monoma'. I was angry that he didn't want to confide in me about his past lover turns out he kinda still love him, because if he wasn't dead the both of them would have gotten married and probably had a kid or two running around the house." I cried as Sero came and comforted me.

"I was never supposed to be Katsuki Midoriya." I said

"Hey Kat, it's okay." Kirishima said as he also came to comfort me.

"I left to let him find out what he really wants, but I feel bad, I left him when he was sad. I felt like I was competing with a dead person, it's not like the two broke up." I said

My friends comforted me until passed out in their arms.


I'm only hurting myself😭😭

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