Chapter 18

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Katsuki's POV

Izuku came in and all the girls and some boys were squeaking and blushing at him.

"Ok, my name is Izuku Midoriya and I'm the CEO of Midoriya's Enterprise." He introduced

Everyone also started introducing themselves.

Izuku started explaining about the business world and also the advantages and disadvantages. It took a while for him for him to finish, but everyone was paying attention.

"Is there any questions?" He asked

"How old are you?" A student asked

"I'm 22 years old." He answered

Other students asked him random questions.

"Mr. Midoriya, what's your relationship status?" A student asked

He looked straight at me and smirked.

"I'm married." He said

Everyone whined.

"Well I guess it's that for today. I'll be in the principal's office." He said and left.

I sighed as both Kirishima and Aero watch me with a smirk.

"Your hubby came for you." Kirishima said

I rolled my eyes, someone came up to me.

"Bakugou, the principal is calling, he told you to bring your stuff also." He said

I packed my stuff and walked to the principal's office. Izuku was talking to him, I cleared my throat making my presence known.

"Well we have to go, but it is nice meeting you Mr. Aizawa." Izuku said as he laced our fingers together pulling me out of the office.

Neither of us said a word to each other, we just sat in the car in complete silence.

"Izuku, I left my stuff at school in my car." I said breaking the silence.

"I'll let my assistant go and pick it up. We need to talk." He replied

As we pulled up to his work, it was a huge building. I opened the door my door and got out. Izuku came and laced our fingers again and pulled me in. All his employees bow even the bodyguard's at the door. We even got some looks and other people gossiping. My eyes caught Lida and Mina and I immediately turned my head and hid my face in Izuku's arm.

We reached into his office as he let go of my hands and faced the big window.

"I'm sorry that I lied to you." He said

"But Monoma was someone I wanted to forget. I wanted to be happy and I was happy with with you. I understand where your frustrations are and that's why I'm sorry, but you also broke your promise." He added

"Which promise?" I asked

He sat in his chair and massage his temple, now that you've seen it up close, he looks sleep deprived.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me and you did, even if you were mad you didn't have to leave the house." He said as his eyes were glistened with tears.

"You promised you wouldn't have leave me!" He yelled as he started to cry.

I went over to him and sat in the desk as he hugged my waist crying on my lap.

"You promise Katsuki-you promise." He said

"I'm sorry Izuku, I'm really sorry. I won't leave you again." I said as his crying stop.

He passed out in my lap as I began massaging his scalp.

This was the first time since we've been together that Izuku had cried in front of me.

"Izuku, hunny, go sleep in the chair." I said

"No, I want to sleep on your lap, you were missing for too long." He said

"Okay, then you can sleep on my lap in the couch, you're gonna get back pain." I stated

He lifted up his head and we both walked over to chair as he hesitated no time as he pushed me in the chair and rest his head on my lap.

I started massaging his scalp and he was a sleep quickly. Someone knocked on the door and came in and he bowed.

"My name is Hitoshi Shinso, but you can call me Shinso. I see that Mr. Midoriya is alseep, he has some paper work to do, I guess he is getting some sleep after all." He said

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Oh Mr. Midoriya hasn't been going home, he was working all day not getting any sleep at some point he kept looking at his phone." He explained

"Ok, just let me put the cushion under his head and you can guide me with paper work." I said

I got the cushion and put it under Izuku's head. I sat around his work desk as Shinso gave me the work and guided me.

We finished majority we didn't do the ones that need his signature. Shinso had already left and Izuku was still alseep.

I went out of his office and saw people working, around computers typing. I went to the kitchen and made coffee.

People came in watching me and I smile awkwardly.

Lot of whispers can be heard.

My coffee finished and the same time Izuku came in.

I went up to him.

"Baby, why did you leave?" He asked in his groggy voice.

I rubbed his cheek.

"I finish some of your paper work. You just need your signature." I said

"You want some coffee?" I asked

"Yeah." He answered

I gave him a sip of my coffee and he really enjoyed it.

"I heard that you weren't getting any sleep." I said

"Yeah, I can't go back to a empty house." He replied

"Okay let's go back to your office people are gossiping about us." I said

"Okay." He said as he followed me like a puppy.

He went around his desk table and started doing his work.

"Izuku, do you want me to order food? you've been asleep for almost half day without eating." I said

"Ok baby, whatever you want." He replied

I took out my phone and placed the order. I sat in the chair folding my legs while doing my work and playing with my ring. I never took it off to be honest and I won't take it off.


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