Chapter 36

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Shimuzi's POV

These day I've been coming here early in the morning and I saw Izuku coming out of the guest room. I don't know what's happening between the couple.

I went in there room calling Katsuki down for breakfast like I always do. Izuku would have been at work by now.

I went in the room and saw Izuku cuddling a sleeping Katsuki.

I walked back out of the room.

I let them sleep for more hours.

Katsuki's POV

I woke up with Izuku cuddling me. I just can believe what I said in front of him.

He shuffled and kissed my forehead.

"Kat baby, whenever you are in pain or feeling insecure tell me, let me feel your pain. I feel bad when you're going through these things and I can't do to help you, so lean on me more often. I won't push you away." He said

I got up with his help and I walked to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and stared at myself not liking the way I look, the baby was sucking me.

"Izuku, do I look ugly?" I asked

He came and back hugged me rubbing my belly.

"You look very pretty." He said kissing my forehead

"Like I said I look every part of your body and no one can change my mind other wise." He added.

I waddled to the shower, bathing myself. Izuku came and helped me.


Izuku's POV

Kat was now 7 months pregnant, Kiri and Sero had already given birth one week after, only Kat was left. They couldn't come over, but Kat always waddles himself to the hospital.

I was work when I got a call from Ms. Shimuzi. I picked up the phone.

"Ms. Shimuzi, what's up?" I asked

"Kat, he's in pain." She said

My ears rang, I picked up my blazer and rushed through my door. I went in the elevator pressing the bottom. My mind went far to the worse possibilities. I ran out of the building go to the parking lot, jumping in my car. I rushed home and arrived in no minute.

I saw Ms. Shimuzi comforting Kat.

I picked him up and took him to the car with Ms. Shimuzi comforting him while in the back.

We reached the hospital and he was quickly checked on.

After minutes of waiting by his door the doctor finally came out.

I rushed up to her.

"We need to talk." She said

She led the way to her office.

"Is he okay?" I asked

"There have been some complications, Katsuki might go into birth early which will make the baby premature. There is always a 50% percentage that  the baby or Katsuki won't make it. You need to talk things out with him. He would have to spend his time here at the hospital because we aren't sure when he might go into birth." She explained

My heart shattered into pieces, this was supposed to be a happy time for all of us.

I went out and told my mom and his mom calling them over the phone.

I went to his room.

"Izuku, what did the nurse say?" He asked

"Kat listen to me ok, let's take little breathers." I said

He inhaled and exhaled.

"Okay, I don't want you to freak out, but the doctor said that there might be anytime when you can go into birth, the baby will be premature, but it's a 50% percent chance you might lose the baby or you might...die too while giving birth." I explained

He stared at me like I was a ghost.

"So even if I live, we won't have the baby." He said as his lips quivered.

"No, we don't know about it, but I don't know...I can't lose the both of you."  I said

He just nod his head.

"I understand, you so can we go home?" He asked

"No, you can't go home, the doctors said you should stay here because as I said you can't go because we don't know when the baby is going to come." I answered

"But our baby boy, why does thing like this happens to us." He said



I'm sorry for the angst, but here come on ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ.

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