Chapter 28

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Katsuki's POV

Silence, nothing is heard only the faces of regret and a face of sadness.
Toumaki was making baby noise.

"If that's the way you feel about him, then why waste all of our time sitting around this god damn table for nothing." I said

Shiggy rubbed circles in Dabi's back.

"We just came to voice our opinion doesn't that also matter?" Natsuo asked

This bitch.

I chuckled at him.

"Of course, your opinion matters. How silly of me, I forgot trash people like you still talk." I stated

Their mouths dropped.

"I understand you all got trauma, but I understand Dabi on many levels. Force to be perfect and then when you make a mistake the entire world ends." I said

"If you're here to matters worse, then I suggest you to leave." I said

"And what can a small person like you can do?" Fuyumi said

"Oh, I have both witnesses here, I can bring my husband and I can also call my friend here and a fucking cheater to tell you what I'm going to do." I said as I smiled irritatedly at them.

"I don't know why you always intervene in things that you aren't supposed to be in." Shoto said

I laughed at him.

"Shoto, first of all, shut the fuck up. I don't know why are you here for to sit with fucking style. You have your parents love and everything that comes your way. Why are you butting in?" I asked as I folded my arms

"Bakugou!" Kiri yelled

"You know what fuck parents validation, all of you can go and suck a dick. I don't want to hear that any of you ever meet Dabi again, don't show up to this house or his house, you aren't family to him, this is his new family and home." I stated

"Any last words to say to them Dabi?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm going to get mom out of the mental hospital since the rest of her kids can't do it. I'll let her live with me and Shiggy probably at the back of the house since the house we bought is large and also thanks. Thank you for wasting my fucking time." He said and I nod

"You can leave or I'll call security to escort you all out." I said

"Dabi, Shiggy and Aunt Inko got up and went in the living room.

"Katsuki, can we talk?" Kiri asked

We walked outside standing in the driveway.

"You know what you did back there was wrong right?" He said

"I did the right thing." I replied

"I mean with the way how you answered Sho." He said

Oh I see where this going.

"You always put yourself in things that don't concern you." Kiri said

"I know how to put things in my life aside from situations, you're gonna defend them because they're your husband's family." I explained

"That's exactly the reason, stop putting yourself in people's problem!" He yelled

"I don't know why you're mad, but the way I see it you're putting him over me, when I was here first." I said

"I'm going to put him first because he's my husband and also the father of my child, not all friendship last and don't let me remind you that our relationship was built off of love, yours was just an arrangement, eventually he's gonna leave you because you can't keep your head out of people's ass!" He yelled

Years of friendship ruined because of some guy.

"Hey!" Shiggy yelled, he came and ran to me.

"Don't talk to him like that, Dabi asked for his help when things got rough. Kat was only trying to help." Shiggy said

"No, he's right I need to take my head out of people's ass and I'm doing it with him first. When you calm down and see who's going to be here for you when Shoto randomly decides to leave, call me." I said and walked away.

Fuck this shit hurts.

"Hey are you okay, do you want me to call Izuku?" He asked

I nod my head.

We both went inside and sat in the living room, the sun has set.

"Kat, I heard what happened from Shiggy and I just want to say Thank you for having my back and I'm sorry." Dabi said

"It's okay, I'm glad I can help. I hope you got rid of that burden on your heart." I replied

Izuku came in and looked at me.

"You ready to go home?" He asked

I nod and went to grab my bag and we went.

"Thanks again Kat." Dabi said

"Welcome." I said and smiled

Izuku took my bag and we went in the car and left. I could feel Izuku steal some glances at me every now and again. We reached home and my phone began ringing.

I answered it.

"Hello." I said

Bakugou, what the fuck did you do to Ei, he kept crying everytime he mentioned your name!" He yelled

"I didn't do anything, he chose you over me. He should feel relieved since a person like me left." I said and ended the call

Izuku hugged me and I started crying.

"I know it hurts." He comforted me

He rubbed circle in my back as I cried in his chest.

"I only try to help and then I get the backlash." I cried

"He even mentioned our arranged marriage." I said looking up at him.

He kissed my forehead.

"We love each other and we should thank this arrangement because of that I met you and fell in love with you." He replied wiping my tears.

"But Kiri's my friend, i got in trouble because I defended him. I put him before you and this is what I get. We promised each other that we'll always be there for each other even if we're married." I explained

"Babe, what you both need is time, so give him all the time he needs." Izuku said kissing my cheek.

"But I wanted our future baby to call him uncle since I don't have any siblings." I said

"It's gonna hurt because you've both been through a lot of things together, but just take a break from each other and start our lives." He said

"Ok." I nod

"Now let's take some rest, it's been a hectic day for the both of us." He said as he guided me to the bedroom.

Is this going to be the same thing that happened between Mina and us.

At this point I guess, I need to stop defending people because in the end only me gets hurt.

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