Chapter 25

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Katsuki's POV

The sun shun into the room, Izuku arms was around my waist and one under my head. I moved the cover as I tried to sit up in the bed, a shock of pain went up my spine. Izuku was sleeping peacefully as ever.

I looked at this time and saw it was still early. I laid back down and went back to sleep again.

"" Izuku said as he shook me up of my sleep.

"Let's eat foods in the kitchen." He said as he picked me up bridal style.

He placed a cushion on the chair seat as we began eating breakfast.

"Do it still hurt?" He asked

"Like a bitch." I answered

"Well Dabi said he's going to his family at 11 am and it's already 10. I can carry you." He said

"Okay." I answered

After finishing eating Izuku got our plates and did the dishes. He came and pick me up and we both got ready. Izuku was a suite and tie and I was just causal clothes. I believe Kirishima's going to be there also.

Izuku help me walk, but with every movement I hissed until he picked up bridal style again carrying me to the car. I buckled in as I rest my back in the chair.

Dabi and Shiggy got in the back of the seat. Their baby was still alseep in Dabi's arms. Shiggy rested his head on Dabi's shoulder. Dabi kissed his forehead and rest his head on Shiggy's head.

"Right here." Dabi said as we stopped in front of a big house. Todoroki's car was also there.

We all got out after Izuku parked the car and we rang the doorbell. Izuku proceed to carry me.

Mr. Todoroki answered the door and he stood there in shock. 

"Surprise!" I shouted

"Hey dad." Dabi said

Everyone came looking at the door to see the commotion.

"Kat, oh my god, what happened to you?" Kiri asked

"Oh nothing, I slipped and h—hurt my back." I stuttered

"Come in." Mr. Todoroki said

All of took of our foot wear and put on the house slippers.

"So, it's been years since we lost saw you. What changed your mind?" Mr. Todoroki asked

"Oh, I relocated here for work. Shiggy and I wanted to come back home, so our baby can get use to the culture."  Dabi said

'Oh what's the baby name?" Mr. Todoroki asked

"Toumaki Todoroki, Shiggy was not very successful giving birth before, so we are very lucky to have him with us." Dabi said

"Oh ok." Mr. Todoroki replied

"Not to be rude or anything, but this is very uncomfortable like what's the point of have a reunion if there is any tears." I intervened

"Katsuki be quiet." Izuku said shaking me.

"No it's true, he left for years, you should be crying and hugging your oldest child." I added

"I guess the trauma is still there. Let's go we have to set up our home." Shiggy said

We all got up, I was able to walk by now and so we left. We got in the car and drove off.

"Weren't they happy to see me?" Dabi asked

"Don't bring yourself down, you are here for the family you've created. Not for your father's validation." I said

"Not to be nosy or anything, but what happened between you and your dad?" I asked

"My dad was an abusive piece of shit, we always fought over the years, my mom left because of him and when I got tired of it I also left. I got calls from my siblings saying dad has change and I should come back, but if he changed when I left, I was the problem." He said

"Don't worry about that, you should love the people you have surrounded by you, so welcome to the family Dabi." I said

He nodded his head.

"You can join us anytime, we can have family game night at ma's house." I said

He smiled at me.

"Where's your mom located?" I asked

"She's at a mental hospital. The suffering's she went through because of my dad, she ended up there. I heard that from my siblings." He said hanging his down low

"Hey you don't have to be embarrassed by that I bet your mom is a sweet person." I said

We had arrived at the mental hospital and asked for his mom. We were then allowed in.

Dabi stared at the door for a while. Shiggy came beside him and took the baby into his arms.

Dabi opened the door and we saw a beautiful woman standing, looking through the window.

"Mom." Dabi said

She turned to him and started crying.

'My baby, where have you been?" She asked as she held  his cheeks.

Dabi was also in tears.

"I'm sorry, I left you behind. I was j...just tired of dad." He said

"Did you went to see them? Todoroki has a child now. I've gone old spending my life in this mental home, but I'm happy you came to see me." She said

"I also have a kid and I'm married too." He said

"Really can I meet them?" She asked

Shiggy walked in with the baby and she watch them with fondness, she hug them.

"He's so cute, reminds me of you when you were just a baby." She said

"Same thing Shiggy said when I show him a baby picture of me." He said

This was the family reunion I was looking for not one where siblings and parents watch each other with silence answering short questions. There should be tears, hugs and even kisses on the cheeks.

Izuku interlocked our fingers, I turned and smiled at him.


We went back home and I was surprised when I saw a picture on the wall of me and Izuku on my wedding day and graduation day.

"Do you like it?" He asked as he back hugged me.

I turned as our lips connected, nothing but love wash over us, he didn't wanted to put up the wedding picture before, but now he does.

"I love it." I said

He kissed my forehead as I rested my head on his chest.

"I glad you do because you see that part over there that gonna be our family picture." He said as he proceed to lift me up.

"So let's go do some baby making." He added carrying me to the bedroom.


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