Chapter 29

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Katsuki's POV

I woke up and went downstairs to make tea. I got a text from Sero asking if we could meet up at xxx cafe. I told him sure and I went in the fridge and found some leftovers, I put them in the microwave heating them. I took it out and began eating, I washed my plate and I went up to the bedroom picking out clothes and setting them on the bed. I turned on the shower letting it run for some minutes.

I was walking towards the shower when my towel fell from my hand. I went to pick it up when I suddenly had the urge to vomit. I rushed to the toilet side throwing up the food I ate early.

Izuku was banging on the door like crazy, trying to turn the knob.

"Kat, baby, are you doing okay?" He shouted

"I'm fine." I said as I lifted up my head to answer him.

I turned my head as I began throwing up again.

I didn't even know how Izuku came in, but he began rubbing my back.

I got you and started stripping my clothes.

"Baby are you fine?" He asked once more.

"I'm doing okay, I guess it's because I didn't eat yesterday and I had leftovers this morning, so that's maybe why." I answered

"Okay, I'll be going to work, do you want me to drop you off at my mom's house?" He asked

I came out the shower wrapping the towel around my waist.

"No, I have to meet Sero today." I said as I went around the sink brushing my teeth.

He came and hug me from behind kissing my neck.

"I thought you were going to stay home  since you're sick." He said

"I told you it's the food I ate this morning. I'm fine." I said as I rinsed my mouth out.

"Okay then, I'm just worried about you." He said

"I know you are." I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer.

I pecked his lips as I walked outside putting on my clothes.

"I'll text you when I'll come back home." I said as I grabbed my car keys and left.

I went to find a parking spot at the cafe. I walked in and I saw Sero sitting  reading a book.

I went up and sat Infront of him.

"Hey Kat, I heard what happened, are you doing ok?" He asked

"I'm ok." I answered

"Do you want to order anything and we can talk over it." He said

The barista came up and took our order and in minutes our order came.

"So tell me what happened." He said

"Todoroki's older brother came back and went to see his family, the reunion was uncomfortable and we left. They all came to my mother-in-law house and we discussed there, Dabi had ask me before if he suddenly can't speak his mind that I should take over for him and I did. I helped him and Shoto said something and I told him to shut the fuck up, he doesn't need to worry him and Kirishima are happy. Mr Todoroki loves Shoto's kid, but what about Dabi. Kiri ask me if we could talk and he defended Shoto, but Sero what was I supposed to do, I was only trying to help." I said as he patted my hand

"I told him to call me when he see who's gonna be there for him when Todoroki randomly decides to leave. You know I only come to help you guys, but never in my years of being on this Earth did I imagine that Kiri was going to be mad at me because his husband is a douchebag when it comes to family." I said as I sniffled

"You remember our fight, I got in trouble because of it with Izuku, but I stood my grounds. I told Izuku, one day he's gonna leave, but Kiri's gonna be there and I'll never turn my back on him. We fought about it until he came and apologize, I could never see my self confronting Kiri because he did some and Izuku didn't like it. First it was Mina and now it's Kirishima. Am I the problem for people to just leave?" I asked wiping my tears

"Hey Kat, you aren't the problem, you both need time to figure out what you both want. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't forget what I did to you both and I could never forgive myself." He answered

He search for something in his bag. He pulled out something that looks like a picture. He placed it on the table.

"This is a picture of the baby I'm carrying. We haven't spoken in a while, but I'm in a serious relationship and me and the guy decided it was time for us to settle down." He said

I picked up the picture with shaky hands and my tears spilled.

"You're having a baby." I said

He nod, he too was also in tears.

"Why are you crying?" He asked

"I don't know." I said as I laughed through my tears.

"You're making my hormones act up." Sero said

"I'm just happy, that you all are happy." I said

"I'm happy you're happy too." He replied

"I think it's time for us to go home, maybe one day we should all have a vacation." I said

I think that's a good idea or a get together, so try and fix the relationship between you and Kiri." He said as he got up and left.

I looked through the window, time is really moving fast, one minute we were just high school kids, then college kids and now some of us are parents and we are married. Sometimes I wish we never grow up at all, all these unnecessary family drama or random drama that are happening would have never happened if we were just kids.

I went and got in my car and drove home. I was too tired to walk up the stairs, so I just passed out in the chair.

I didn't even realize how I got to bed, but when I felt Izuku back hugging me I knew it was him. I turned around and kisses his lips and buried my face into his chest. I love this, so maybe growing up is bad after all.


Let me give you guys some Huggies⊂((・▽・))⊃

Arranged Marriage Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora