Chapter 32

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Katsuki's POV

I got up from and flush the toilet and rinse my mouth with only water waiting for Izuku come back with the mouthwash.

"I'm sorry for what I said to you the other day." He said

"Why are you sorry? You're right I like to put myself in thing that doesn't concern me." I said

"No Kat, I'm sorry because I made you feel like shit. We've been together through thick and thin, we even made a promise to each other to always take each other sides no matter what and you've been doing it for me and I'm not doing it for you." He said

"You've been doing it for me Kirishima, you've had always been there for me when things were rough, being my friend, going after Izuku because you just couldn't see me broken, you patched me up and I love you for that." I said

He was in tears.

"But I'm not good enough for you, I almost ruined our friendship for some guy, I wasn't even the first person to know that you're pregnant. I just can't believe that I shouted at you because of Todoroki, I can't even tell him what happened between us because of how much it affects me. I wanted to go after you and tell you how sorry I am m. I wanted to call and text you to forgive me because we lost Mina, I...I can't lose you too." He said

Now I was in tears. He can and embraced me apologizing over and over. I could feel his small baby bump again my belly.

"I'm sorry Katsuki." He said

"You were right about the family dispute, you're always right." He added

"I know I'm always right." I said as we both laughed

Izuku came in with the mouthwash and placed it in my hands.

"So are you two good now?" He asked

"Yeah." I said as I spit out the mouthwash.

We both walked out of the bathroom and went to our family. Todoroki was holding Kasai who was making baby noise in his hand, but what was weird  was Dabi crying and now I wanted to know.

"Why the hell is Dabi crying?" I asked

"While you and Kiri was in the bathroom all of them bonded as a family. They even hold Toumaki, but the part that made him cry is when his dad embrace him and there mom who is out and over there with my mom. Mr Todoroki and Ms. Rei are back together now." Shiggy explained

"That's good then. Where's Toumaki?" I asked

"He's with Rei." Shiggy answered

I nodded my head, not the best reunion, but hey, at least there back as a family.

Fuyumi, Natsuo, Shoto and Mr. Todoroki came in front me.

They all bow and that shook me.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"On behalf of us, we would like to apologize for our behavior when we came here and also thank you for accepting our brother as your own." Natsuo said

"Just give me Kasai and we're good." I said as Shoto placed the baby in my arms.

She started blabbering in her own little baby language and I was just there pretending to understand her.

I was rocking her and she eventually fall asleep in my arms. Kirishima came and took the baby and Izuku came to me.

"Are you feeling tired?" He asked

"My arms and legs are numb." I answered

He guided me to chair and started massaging my legs.

"Izuku aren't you embarrassed to be doing this infront of people." I said trying to stop him.

"Why would I be embarrassed it's not like I'm fucking you in front of them." He answered

I covered my face because of how hard I am blushing.

"You have no shame." I said

"I have zero shame when it comes to pleasing my wife." He replied kissing my fingers.

"I'm a man." I said

"Yeah, but I'm the one taking the brat out of you." He whispered into my ears

This man has no fucking shame!

"If you keep behaving like this no sex until the baby is born." I demanded

He sat up and put my legs on the floor.

Everyone was beginning to leave and Izuku was collecting his gifts putting them in his old room.

We left to go home.

In minutes we were home. I opened my car door, but Izuku pulled me back.

"I've been a good boy what's my reward." He whispered into my ears.


I don't know what to do for the next chapter omg (。ŏ﹏ŏ)

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