Johnny imagine

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This is for @Sjking thanks for the comment. Hope this doesn't suck too bad.

Sara's POV
I was already jumping in anticipation, I was so excited to move in with my cousin, Two bit. He's told me all about Tusla and I was thrilled to be living there.

When I got out of the plane, Two bit was waiting on me with a huge smile and the whole gang.

I get my suitcase and walk on over there, one in particular is staring at me. He had big brown eyes and shaggy black hair that fell over his dark eyes. He was tan and had a good build for his size. I found myself starring, lord help me but he was good lookin.

"Gang this is my cousin, Sara."
That boy looked up at me with a shy smile and a sheepish "Hi."

"That's Johnny." Two bit told me matter-of-factly.

Everybody else introduced themselves and they seem so nice...well all except dally but he seemed okay.

"Come on, why don't we drop off your bag." Two bit suggested.

"Here, I'll carry that for ya." Johnny suggested.

I let him have it and we walked to Two bits house. Two bits mom hugged me and showed me my room. Johnny followed me into the room and helped me put all my stuff away, blushing and trying not to make eye contact.

Right as I was about to say something, Two bit pops his head in with a mischievous smirk.

"Come on love birds, let's go to the DX." Two bit says, grinning something fierce.

Johnny followed closely behind me and we walked to the DX. Our hands accidentally touch.

"I-I'm s-sorry. " he stuttered.
He doesn't move his hand an neither do I. He intertwines his fingers with mine. I blush and lock our hands.

We get to the DX and the whole gang is making a huge deal about it.

"Come on Johnny kiss her. " dally persists

"Oh lay off dal." Johnny half way begs.

"Come on Johnny. " dally says lighting a cigarette.

I don't know weather it was to shut up Dallas Winston or if it was I wanted to but I kissed Johnny right on the lips.

And lord was he a good kisser.

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