Dally Imagine

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This is for Faith_Destler, thank you for the comment and I hope you like it

Faith's POV

      I had just finished putting in baked chicken for the gang, trying to help Darry out. When I hear my brother Johnny from the living room, talking to Two Bit.

"He's pretty bad, they cut him with a glass bottle-" Johnny stopped talking as soon as he saw me step out from the kitchen

"What's going on?" I ask, running my fingers through my wavy brown hair.

 "It's Dally, he got pretty roughed up in a fight." Johnny said, sighing.

Darry brought Dally in and I had never seen Dally look so rough. He had blood trickling down his forehead and some into his dark brown hair. He looked like every breath he took was painful so I guessed one or two cracked or broken ribs. His lip was busted and his eye was a swollen blue color, not to mention his knuckles and hand was bruised and scraped up, dripping blood.

"Darry, can you take him upstairs into my room?" I say, trying to choke back tears from seeing Dally so beat up.

He nodded and proceeded to do so as I followed behind him.

When I got up there, I helped him into the bathroom and gently sat him down on the edge of the bathtub.

 "Take off your shirt, Dal." I say.

He smirks a little but complies.

I gently wrap his ribs and take some peroxide and clean the cuts earning a wince from Dally.

"Sorry." I murmur.

I help him back over to the sink and lay him back, gently running warm water through his hair, turning the water a light pinkish color.

"Thanks, Doll." He murmurs closing his eyes as the warm water washes over him.

With his eyes closed, all the defensiveness and hatreds melt away to reveal the man I had fallen in love with, almost three months ago.

I sighed as I remembered he didn't even really knew I existed besides being Johnny's kid sister. But him sitting there, his eyes closed and looking so peaceful, I didn't know what came over me but I leaned down and kissed him softly.

His eyes snapped open as he almost jolted up but I held him down by the shoulder to keep him from aggravating his injuries.

"Oh, God dal I am so sorry-" I began to stammer out until he interrupted me by pulling me down and kissing me hard.

"I've been waiting for you to do that for three months." He said with his wild reckless smirk.

He kissed me again passionately and I forgot my own name until Darry yelled from downstairs.

"Faith, Dally, Dinner!"

He smirked and sat up, and dried off his hair and shrugging on his shirt and wrapping his arm  around me. I knew I was Dallas Winston's girl and proud to be so.

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