Sodapop Imagine

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This is for outsiders12A

Kaitlyn's POV

I just finished taking Scarlett and Kacey, my two one year old twin daughters. We had just got ice cream and was heading home, I had hopped Soda would be able to take the day off to spend with the girls , but Steve was sick and he needed Soda to cover his shift. I sigh and lead the girls to the door of our little house. Oddly the door was already unlocked, so I figured Soda was home.

I walk on in and the place is in shambles, everything is over turned and tossed to the side, pictures had been knocked down and glass was all over the floor. And what was worse two guys were standing there with their hands full of jewelry and different valuable objects from our home.

Both us and the robbers froze. Suddenly, They both launched themselves out the window to keep from getting the police called on them. I picked both my girls up and walked through the house to see what was missing. It was mostly jewelry. Soda had hid his mothers wedding ring and her gold watch, it was still there thankfully. And I had luckily wore my favorite earrings and my wedding ring. The TV had been busted in a vain attempt to pick it up, they were obviously in a rush.

Tears began to stream down my cheeks as I starred at the wild array of our home. I jump slightly at hearing the glass crunch. I turn around to see a very shocked Sodapop standing in the doorway of our bedroom.

"We got robbed. " I state
"Did you see them?"
I nod "We walked in on them. " I state again
"Are the girls okay?" He said, taking Scarlett from me to examine her. She giggled.

"Yeah we are all fine. " I say, sighing.

He kissed Scarlett and Kacey and took them in their room. It was pretty late by this point and he tucked them in and read them a story till they were sound asleep. He came and helped me clean up the glass and fix things in our room and the living room.

"Babe, you alright? You're awfully quiet. " he said wrapping, his arms around me.

"Yeah just worried, ya know?" I say.
He nods and says "I'm taking a sick day tomorrow. Don't worry, alright?"

I nod and get dressed for bed and crawled in bed.
He crawled in right behind me, wrapping his arms around me.
"I love you, Kat." He said, kissing me.
"I love you too, Sodapop."

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