Ponyboy Imagine

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This is for @pine_tree_1. Thank you for the request, I hope this doesn't suck too bad.

Pony's POV

I take a deep breath, todays the day, I'm finally going to tell Bella how I feel about her. I am so nervous, I wish I had a cigarette.

I see her there, gosh she was so beautiful. Her dark brown hair hanging just below her shoulders and her dark brown eyes that could be calculating in a fight or soft and sympathetic when she listened to you vent about your problems. She was at her locker, putting her books in. One tumbled out and hit the floor with a loud smack.

I rushed over to get it, I bent down and picked it up. I smiled slightly as I read the familiar cover of Gone with the Wind, the very one I had given her for her birthday.

"Hey pony." She said, her eyes meeting mine and sparkling as she smiled.

"H-hi Bells" I say, trying not to get lost in her dark brown eyes.

"What's up?" She said turning towards me.

"W-well I needed to t-tell ya somethin." I say, managing to look like an idiot.

"What?" She said, brushing a strand of dark brown hair from her eyes.

"I-i really l-like ya Bella, b-but if you don't f-feel the same way I-I understand. " I rush out, looking away. Here comes the rejection.

I feel arms around me and I look up and her arms are around me.
"Pony I like you too." she said smiling.
I was so happy I kissed her right there in the hallway. She kissed me back and honestly I can't imagine a better thing than her soft lips pressed to mine.

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