Steve Imagine

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This is for LaurenBlurton, thanks for the request.

Lauren's POV

I take a deep breath and tried not to panic. I was about to marry Steve Randle, the most amazing guy in the universe. I slide on my wedding dress that I absolutely fell in love with, it was a strapless with a slit that came up to my thigh, classy but still sexy.

I slowly trace my tattoo on my arm, it was the Marine Corpse Drill Team and it ran from my shoulder to my hand. I sigh and smile as all the memories come flooding back to me, both good and bad. My dirty blond curly hair was pulled into a tight bun with small red flowers rested in it.

I hear the wedding march and I prepare myself to walk down the aisle. The doors open and I see the beautiful forest around us, the aisle was red and light green cloth that went from the doors to the place where Steve and the rest of the gang stood.

I only had a moment to take in all the beautiful scenery, I began to march slowly to the beat of the music.  Steve's eyes are shining with awe and love, I smiled at him as I made it to the alter. The minister began the speech about marriage and unity before beginning the vows.

"Steve Randle, will you have Lauren Blurton to be your lawful wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death do you par?" The minister, said looking at Steve.

"I do." His voice rang with assurance and confidence.

"Lauren Blurton, will you have Steve Randle to be your lawful wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?" The minister said looking at me.

"I do." My voice was choked with emotion and happiness.

"I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride." The minister said, smiling at Steve.

Steve didn't need to be told twice, he took me in his arms and kissed me long and passionate.

Finally, I am truly his. 

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