Ponyboy Imagine

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This is for Abbey1425, Glad to do this imagine.

Abbey's POV

  I am SO excited. Ponyboy asked me out last week. What am I going to wear?! I am half way freaking out, I decide to ask my brother, Two Bit about it.

"Wait, wait Pony asked you out?" Two bit says, laughing as if this was the funniest thing in the world

I put my hands on my hips and said "What's so funny?"

"Because the gang has been betting y'all two love birds would get together for the past two months." He said, still laughing.

"Why?" I demand from my big brother who was laughing so hard I wasn't sure if he could answer.

"Cause he talks about you all the time." He said, trying to stifle his laughter.

"What did he say?" I say sitting down with Two bit.

"Just how beautiful you are and how much he likes you, blah blah blah, lovey dovey stuff. " Two bit said, elbowing me in the ribs playfully.

"He really said that?" I say in slight shock.

"Yeah, Abbey, look he likes ya a lot. Ya dig?" Two bit says, serious for once.

"I know, I like him too." I say, slightly embarrassed to be admitting this to my older brother.

"Really? Boy howdy, he'll make one hell of an inlaw, huh?" Two bit said back to his regular teasing self.

"Shut up, Two." I say, slapping him teasingly in the back of the head.

I got dressed in blue jeans and a red tank top with a blue jean jacket pulled over it. I pulled on my red converses and raced for the door where Pony was patiently awaiting.

I swear, his jaw dropped when he saw me.

"Wow, Abbey. You look incredible." He said in an awed voice.

"Aw thanks." I say blushing.

"Now y'all have fun, but not too much fun, Don't want any little Ponys runnin around." Two bit said laughing.

We walked to the drive in and paid the fee for once, Dally would have been mortified, any way we get to our seats and its a scary movie. My skin began to crawl when the dramatic music reached its crescendo and the pretty blond actress was about to walk into the dark room where the serial killer was awaiting.

I jumped when he jumped out and stabbed her. Pony wrapped his arm around me.

"You okay?"


"I'll protect ya.' He said, teasingly.

"My hero." I said, fawning into his side.

He smiled and we finished the movie. When he took me home he walked me up the front porch and lightly kissed me on the lips before deepening it. It was the greatest night ever.

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