Chapter One

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Ever since I was little, I had dreams of a tall man and a little girl watching me. I knew no one would understand what I was going through. Nightmares every night, parents coming home late at night to beat me to sleep. Nothing in this small town of Oxford will ever change. It's the same at school everyone beats me down. Did I ever do anything to stop them? I don't have the guts to.

"Sophia, get down here and clean the dishes" Mother herself yelled from behind my door. Once her footsteps came out of range I flung my blanket off pulling my sweater on. Knowing it would be quite chilly out, I didn't want to freeze.

"I'm coming." I slipped out of my room limping down the stairs. Empty beer bottles filled every table in the living room. Just looking at all of them made me wince. Can't they see they are ruining this family? Father dearly came out and over to me. Yanking on my arm he pushed me into the kitchen.

"The dishes aren't cleaning themselves now are they?" Dishes were stacked up towards the ceiling. The front door slammed and dishes skied down towards me. A sound came out of my lips as I dodged the falling dishes.

"Damn it." Glass filled the kitchen so I couldn't maneuver around. Quickly I made my way through the glass. Sticking in my foot was one giant piece. I winced and sat on the carpet in the living room. The piece made it through my skin into the meat. Breathing, I yanked the piece out causing me to scream slightly.

"Are you okay?" My eyes darted up. Looking at me was the guy in my dreams. My eyes started to blur from the tears that were streaming down my face. What did he want from me? What did I do to deserve this?

"Uh...yeah i on glass that's it.." Smoothly, I stood up, but fell back down. Blood was oozing out the open wound covering the floor. The guy walked swiftly into the kitchen coming back with a first aid kit. He applied peroxide and a bandage. Shutting the kit he stood and stuck his hand out towards me. I took it and stood up.

"There's no reason to be scared, child." He stood about 6' feet tall. To my surprise he fit in my house without a problem. Something flashed past the window and I felt myself walking towards it. Pulling the curtain open I saw two other people standing there. A girl about 10 and a guy that looked just like Link from Legend of Zelda.

"Who are they?" My voice grew in size as fear took over me. Backing away I walked right into the tall man. I spun around looking to see if he was mad. I had absolutely no clue if he was or not. Were they going to kill me or was I going crazy and they aren't even there. I shut my eyes seeing if I would wake up or if they would disappear. To my surprise when I opened them all the people were gone. I made my way up the stairs to my room. Covering my windows I laid down and tried to get them out of my mind.

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