Chapter Five

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I was in a complete daze. My mind was in the dumps. Laughter filled the air as I peeked through a window on the main floor of this house. It seemed like there was a slumber party going on. I'm going to enjoy this one. Slowly I walked back towards their back yard slowly inching my way through their back door. Silently I shut the door and turned off the power. A couple of the girls gasped as they clutched onto their pillows as others laughed and walked into the kitchen. There I stood in the dark gripping my kitchen knife. The only light they had was their cell phones and that wasn't going to do them any good. I hid behind one of them and covered their mouths. They swung back at me but missed. Deliberately, I pushed my knife into the side of her throat making blood go everywhere. I laid her on the ground softly.

"You'll never forget my name." My voice came out stiff and dark. One of the girls started to run out of the kitchen, but before she could make it I stabbed her in the back. A blood-curdling scream escaped from her lips before she started to choke on her own blood. Everyone else made it up the stairs before I got the chance to kill them.

"Who are you, and why are you in my house?" A man stood holding a shotgun. Snickering, I walked over to him, putting my hands up to his neck.

"I'm nobody, and I'm just a sick twisted girl you see." With that I twisted my hands quickly hearing a satisfying crack come from the guys neck. Behind him stood a lady. She was tall and she was holding a knife as well. I chuckled and maneuvered my way to her swiftly. As quickly as I was at her she was on the ground with her husband. I finally got up the stairs and finished my business. Before I could make it out of the house a little girl came down stairs rubbing her eyes.

"Who are you?" I froze in my spot and looked back. The little girl reminded me of my little sister. She looked just like her. Sighing, I walked over to her and crouched down to look her in the eyes.

"I'm Sophia, you should be sleeping." My voice was hushed as I heard sirens approaching the house. The girl looked at me then pulled me past her parent's dead bodies and into the back yard. She pointed softly to a fence behind a little shed.

"You can escape through there." Her voice was soft and sweet. I felt bad for her, but I had to do something about her. I don't want her ratting me out. Quickly I picked her up and ran for the fence. Once I was out I ran for a mile until we reached the forest. A strange expression was on the girl's face.

"You'll be staying with me for a while," I said, "I don't need anybody to know that I am a murderer." I finished as I put her down and started walking towards the mansion. Running to catch up she tugged at my sleeve and then grabbed my hand. I looked at her.

"My mommy used to hold my hand as we walked." she said tears brimming her little sleepy eyes, "She said it would help me from getting kidnapped by some creep" She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Biting my lip I picked her up and placed her on my hips.

"You're not being kidnapped," I replied, "You are getting a new home." She grinned and placed her head on my shoulder. Shortly after I heard small snores come from her mouth and I knew she was asleep. Now all I need to figure out is how I'm supposed to explain this to slender.

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