Chapter Six

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By the time we reached the mansion it was clear that something was wrong. The clouds blocked out the rays of the sun casting a dark look over the mansion. A faint smell of blood was running through my nose.

"Why is it so dark and gloomy around here?" I mumbled to myself. Cracks of branches could be heard faintly. My head was telling me to turn and run, but I kept moving forwards. Nothing bad will happen.

"Over there!" A man's voice called out, "that girl has my granddaughter!" I realized the trouble I was in. There was no escaping where I was now. Slowly I set the girl down, waking her up. Her little eyes fluttered open and a smile spread across her face.

"You need to run," I motioned towards the mansion, "You'll be safe there." I grasped her arm lightly pulling her in front of me so she had a good head start to the mansion. Her hand grabbed mine, but I told her again to run. She finally obeyed and ran, making it to the mansion.

"You little brat!" The elderly man called, "What do you think you're doing kidnapping my granddaughter?" Hatred was soaked in his voice. He held a rifle fully loaded and ready to shoot me. More men joined behind him making me realize I was outnumbered.

"This isn't supposed to happen." I growled, pulling out my bloody knife, "I don't want to have to hurt any of you." They weren't fazed by my threat. I began to worry. They all lifted their guns and pointed them at me.

"You should have thought about that before you went and kidnapped my granddaughter, you filthy animal." Suddenly a loud sound rang through the sky and everything became red. My lungs began to heavily gasp for air, but couldn't receive any. A faint yell came from somewhere behind me, but I was already close to the darkness. I finally fainted.

~~~~Jeff's P.O.V.~~~~

I watched as that sick old man shot Sophia. She suddenly fell to the ground and blacked out. Anger ran through my blood and I screamed. Pulling my knife out I ran straight for the old fucker. My knife sunk in his neck as his rifle fell to the ground. I looked as his friends ran away in fear he was bleeding quickly so I jumped up and ran to Sophia.

"Oh god Sophia please wake up," I placed a hand on her cheek, "Don't leave me yet." I felt a feeling I never had before. Sadness. The salty tears ran down my bleached skin. They fell silently on Sophia's cheeks.

"Jeff, call Doctor Smiley!" Slenders voice snapped me out of my trance, "We need to get the bullet removed before she bleeds to death." My bones felt like falling apart. My legs wouldn't allow me to stand.

"I c-can't." The tears started coming faster and soon I was broken. I've never had this feeling before. It scares me. "Just p-please make s-sure she turns o-out fine" I finally rose to my feet and ran out the way the other guys ran to. I needed to kill somebody.

~~~~Sophia's P.O.V~~~~

I had woken up to people talking and somebody shaking me lightly. My head was pounding and my chest hurt badly. Sitting up I groaned and opened my eyes. Slender and Dr. Smiley were standing in front of me talking about something. Looking to my side I saw the little girl smiling up at me.

"Good morning Sophia!" She jumped on the chair she was sitting in and gave me a bone crushing hug. "I missed you" Finally she let go and Slender walked beside her. She sat back down and played with her hair.

"It's good to see you awake." Slenders voice had more concern in it than it usually does. I looked up at him and slowly started to get concerned. Slowly I raised my hand to my head.

"What are you so concerned about, Slender?" My voice was hard and soft. I hadn't been used to talking in a while so it felt good being able to speak. A hand landed on my shoulder and the words I never thought I would have to hear were spoken"

"Sophia, Jeff's in jail."

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