Chapter Three

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My eyes widened once they saw Slenderman and Sally. Why are they here? More importantly why am I here! They weren't here in my mind, just playing tricks. Please tell me my mind is playing a trick. Sally tugged on the sleeve of my hoodie.

"You're prettier in real life than in your dreams." Heat rose to my face. It wasn't like me to blush. Pain filled my stomach and I doubled over in pain. Jeff and Slenderman both exchanged looks and finally spoke up about what was happening.

"Sophia, I don't know how to tell you this but," Jeff twirled his fingers. Slenderman sighed and patted Jeff on the back. "You're turning into a Creepypasta." Jeff finished in a rush making me absolutely more confused than I was before.

"What do you mean by that?" My head was spinning, my vision blurred, and I felt tears falling down my cheeks. Sally hugged my leg, but then moved back next to Slenderman. This can't be happening, not to me. I'm just a teenager.

"You are going to be one of us soon," Slenderman reassured me. Fuck this, i am not going to stand here and transform into a creep. My feet took control and I ran out of the forest. My head was yelling at me to go back but I just couldn't.

"It's going to happen whether or not you like" My mind stated without me even telling it to. You can't stop it from happening. Even my own brain was accepting this. Tears were blurring my way and the last thing I remembered was tripping. Then it all went black.

~Jeff's P.O.V~

"Shouldn't we go after her?" I questioned Slenderman. He shook his head. grunting I looked out into the open view to see if she was still somewhere around here. Smile Dog sniffed the air then howled. Sally sat and started to talk to charlie.

"Charlie says something happened to Sophia." Snapping my head to look at Sally my brain went into fighting mode. Slenderman asked her what happened, but all she could say was that Sophia was going to get hurt.

"Where is Sally?" Slenderman calmly asked. Glancing at him I knew he was truthfully worried. He better not be thinking about taking her away from me. Wait what am I saying Sophia is just another Creepypasta. That you like, my brain screamed at me.

"Let's go find her." Swiftly I jumped up into the tree's disappearing. Slenderman and Sally trailed behind me as I frantically searched for a glimpse of Sophia. I stopped when I saw a flash of brown. Slowly walking towards it I saw Sophia laying in the grass unconscious.

~Sophia's P.O.V~

My head was pounding and a bright light blinded me for a second. I sat up and inspected the room I was in. It was a comfy kind of room, but it had its creepy parts. Noticing some blood I looked down to see my arm covered in bandages.

"You're awake." A teen about my age walked in. I fidgeted in my seat and looked away from him. He had no eyes which were creepy. He set down a medical bag and I realized he was the doctor. Slowly looking at him he smiled and nodded.

"Yeah.. um... where am i?" Hopefully he would know. Slowly I tried to lift my leg but it was sore and I couldn't withstand the pain. It was like I was being shocked. I laid back down and closed my eyes trying to make the pain disappear.

"You're in Slender Mansion." Damn it, I still made it here. He pulled the needle out of his bag causing me to jump. Needles and I are the worst enemies. I scooted as far away as I possibly could from the doctor. He chuckled, "This will help with the pain." With that I sighed and gave up the fight. The needle stung my leg like a bee, which only hurt for a second.

"Why am I here?" My voice came out like a whisper. It scares me to know I am somewhere I don't know how to leave from. All I want to do is eat and sleep right now. Lowly he chuckled at me.

"Sophia you're a CreepyPasta now."

(AN: The original chapter three is missing so I had to rush in part four instead. Sorry about that!)

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