Chapter Four

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The grandfather clock rang, alarming me that it was 12:00 P.m. My mind was still slowly trying to process everything that has happened the past week. My body was weak, but my mind was alert. Every now and then someone would come up and check to see if I was still alive, but as always I was still there.

"Do you think she'll come to her senses?" Faint voices came from outside the door. I couldn't make out who was speaking, but I could hear just enough of their words.

"It's possible she will, but there is still no saying she'll accept the fact that she is one of us." A calming, yet hoarse voice answered back. A sigh filled the air and the knob to the door wiggled. Frightened, I threw the blanket above my head and tried to fake sleeping.

"Maybe she will." I couldn't make out the last part, but I knew the door had closed and I was left alone with someone. I peeked from under the covers and saw a semi-tall figure standing next to me. Sighing, I noticed it was only Jeff.

"Where am I Jeff?" I could tell he was shocked by how he froze in his steps. My legs hurt so I just stayed sitting but still looked him in the eye. The side of my bed sunk and I knew I had someone sitting by me.

"You're in your, well the guest room." A sad expression came on his face and I felt guilty. Testing to see my true strength at the time I sat up only to sit back in pain.

"Why do you seem so sad?" My voice came out more as a whimper than anything and I saw concern jump on his face. Slowly he grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on it.

"Well I didn't know whether or not you would agree to stay here since you're a creepypasta now." The word creepypasta rang through my ears and brought terrible things to my mind. Was that what caused my stomach to curl into a knot?

"I have nowhere else to go now, so I guess I'll stay." Comfortableness settled in the room and I can feel the tension lessening. Eyes fluttering slowly shut I forced them to stay open.

"I'll have to go tell Slender so he knows." He bent down and kissed my forehead, "Go to sleep again. I'll come check on you later" He turned and walked softly out of my room. Placing my hand where he had kissed, I smiled and hugged my pillow drifting to a comfortable sleep.


"Once upon a time, there was a girl who had everything," A deep and menacing voice rang in the air. My mind went on full awareness and I darted up. My hands were gripping the nice, soft grass underneath me and I felt eyes burning into the back of my neck.

"Who a-are you?" I stumbled for my words mumbling them under my breath. The wind blew by freezing my words while I said them. My surroundings suddenly changed and I could feel water.

"I am nobody." The voice answered me with that coldness that sent chills through my body. Noticing my feet slipping under the fresh snow, I stood up and marched towards a tree. All of the sudden something ran full speed at me and I felt a sharp pain in my side.

"Ah what is happening?" I yelled, falling to the ground. Blood emerged from my side and i saw something sticking out of it. Slowly, but painfully I yanked the object from my side realizing it was a claw of some sort.

"You're a smart one." The voice was getting closer and I froze in my spot. Ducking from a flying tree branch I darted into the now forming forest. Trails trailed up and down hills and I could tell that there were bodies being dragged.

"Why am I here?" My voice grew stronger with each word I said. Before I could finish my sentence I heard something behind me. Turning quickly I came face to face with a tan, ugly, creature that had claws like the one stuck in my side. It's mouth opened and a high-pitched scream came out.

"You will die 100 ways." Now the voice sounded like it was standing right next to me. My ears were ringing and I felt my head spinning. I fell to the ground trying to get the screamer out of here. I kicked its leg and it screamed louder until I finally blacked out.

~end of dream~

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