Chapter Eleven

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Sophia walked down the abandoned street where her friends used to live. Ever since the "accident" everybody moved away. There were still a handful of people still living there, one in which was Grandma Ella.

"I wonder where everyone left to." Sophia mumbled to herself. She was so used to hearing people say hi as she passed by them.

"It's weird not seeing people out here." A hushed voice responded from somewhere around her. She looked around, spotting someone leaning against a tree in front of the old school.

"Yeah, I'm not used to it." She walked cautiously over to the person. As she crept closer she saw it was a guy. His hair was a very bright red that made his striking blue eyes stand out.

"Neither am I," the guy shifted from his seat, standing up. He was a good two inches taller than Sophia, but she was used to seeing people taller than her.

"I don't remember you living around here." She said, stopping in front of the guy.

"I just moved here," He said with a small grin, "The name's Erin." He stuck out his hand which she gracefully shook.

"Nice to meet you Erin, the name's Sophia." She more than whispered. Her nerves were worse than they ever were before. Maybe she was just getting sick. She hasn't fed for a few hours now.

"I like your name." Erin said, looking at his battered shoes. Sophia was absolutely shocked by him.

"Thanks," She replied smiling before she realized how long she's been, "Oh, I have to go." She shuffled lightly before turning in her heel.

"See you soon Sophia." Erin squealed as he saw her take off up the street. She looked back and waved. Erin heard something behind him, but shook it off as the wind.

But it wasn't. It was Jeff and he was furious.

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