Chapter Twelve

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"Grandma Ella," Sophia yelled out walking in her grandmother's old home, "Are you here?" She couldn't seem to hear anything.

"I'm in the kitchen." Ella responded by poking her head out the door.

"How are you doing?" Sophia questioned her grandmother. Ella had something that smelled delicious cooking in the oven. Sophia has always loved her grandmother's cooking.

"I've been fine, how have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" Ella exclaimed.

"I've been better, I have a question for you." Sophia suddenly went quiet. "Did anybody in our family ever have weird powers?"

Ella sighed and sat down. "Sophia honey, our family has a long line of people who had powers, we called them creepypasta's," She paused to take a sip of her tea, "I was one when I was younger, but then I had your mother and I lost all of my cravings." Ella whispered the end making it unbearable for Sophia to hear.

"So I'm not the only one," Sophia thought to herself. A smile formed on her lips and she said goodbye. She got her answer, but she still didn't want to be a pasta.

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