Chapter Seven

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There was absolutely no way Jeff could ever be in jail. Nothing had been making sense since I woke up. As much as I wanted to run out of the house I couldn't, Slender wouldn't leave my side. I had been told that BEN had gone down to try and get Jeff out of jail, but ended up in jail with him.

"Slender, you must let me go and try to help them get out." I protested against Slenders orders, "Seeing how you're not doing much to help them." That seemed to tick him off. His usual white head was now turning a shade of red.

"Fine," he angrily stood from his seat next to me, "if you don't take my advice and stay in bed then don't come crying to me when you end up dead." He scoffed at me then disappeared out of my room. Bandages were the only clothes I had on the upper half of my body so I grabbed a new shirt and stood. My head spun, making me grab the corner of the desk next to me for balance. I really wasn't used to walking yet.

"Looks like I'm alone for this one." My bag which usually consisted of knives, a hoodie, and some less important things was stashed under my bed.

Nobody dared to touch my bag for the sake of their own safety.

"And where are you going?" Eyeless Jack came into view from wherever he had been hiding. I knew he knew I was up to something. Yes he may be a doctor,but I still don't really trust him yet.

"To break Jeff and BEN out of jail" I flung my backpack over my shoulder and jumped from my window. E.J was only seconds out of my room next to me.


The jail house was nearly 10 miles away so it took us a couple of hours to finally make it to the jail. A storm had stirred around us as we finished coming up with our plan. It was a small simple plan that was easy to complete without causing people to know.

"You go around back to their cell wall and start to get the metal bars from their window. I'll go and distract some of the guards." E.J ran off leaving me with all the objects I will need.

"Let the games begin." I mumbled walking to the abandoned jail cell consisting of Jeff and BEN. Cautiously I slowed my pace and peaked through the bars. Both of them were lying around doing nothing.

"Are you going to just lay there and do nothing or are you going to help me?" My voice came out more like a whisper. They both jolted up and ran towards the bars.

"Why are you here you can get caught?" Jeff questioned as he looked around making sure nobody saw me. BEN could already see how E.J. was keeping the guards occupied. Silently I pulled out a crowbar and slowly pried the bars of the window off. Smiling, I stuck out my hand to them to pull them up. BEN was already half-way out by the time I heard E.J. come out of the guard's office. I began to panic. Quickly I grabbed Jeff's hand and pulled him out while starting to run. It didn't take long to get far away from the guards, but we continued to run. I had lost my footing and tripped dragging Jeff down with me. After I had hit the floor I had fluttered my eyes open only to see Jeff's face about one inch away from mine causing me to blush.

"Thanks for saving me Sophia." Jeff spoke with a softness that I wasn't quite used to yet. My cheeks kept getting hotter and hotter with the seconds we were still in the position we were in. Slowly yet painfully Jeff leaned forwards and.......

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