A message

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This is the original version of Beautiful Sinners I wrote years ago. I took it down to rework it, but fell out of the fan base at the time. I wanted to bring the original version back for those who may, or may not have, read it before. Either way, I hope you enjoy.

The chapters are pretty short and it's quite fast-paced, but I wanted to post it again for nostalgia reasoning. If you're one of the original readers of this years ago, thank you for the support you've shown.

And to the new people who read this, I hope this entertains you even for a few minutes. This story meant a lot to me back when I wrote it as it was one of my first honest stories, even if it was a JTK fanfic.

I hope you all enjoy this rather old story. If you want to comment on it feel free to! I may never write another part, but I still enjoy seeing how people react to this. I hope you all have a pleasant day/evening/night and are able to pursue  your dreams!

Beautiful Sinners (ORIGINAL)Where stories live. Discover now