The Sins: Part One

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Three days. Three endless days of trying to communicate with your father again. After you learned the identity of the strange man, the Force connection was cut short. You had only your anxiety to blame for your shortcomings. 

Since then, you've made attempt after attempt but to no avail. All the unresolved feelings about finding your family clouded any sense of control you thought you had. You felt powerless. More than that, you felt angry.

If only the First Order hadn't stolen your memories the same way they stole you. You felt cheated. And indignified. But most of all you felt guilty. You'd worked so hard to find your family only to be met with confusion and frustration. Why didn't you feel relief? What was wrong with you?

Nightfall had settled in as you attempted to reconnect with the Force once more. The cool air whispered around you, and the leaves rustled ever so slightly. You took a deep breath in, calming your heartbeat.

In your mind, you pictured your father. His hair, his features, his eyes. Your eyes. The voice he called you "darling" with. Everything about him felt so right. You yearned for his comfort.

A familiar sense of serenity began to engulf you. The world around you slowed, and time stood still. You quickly recognized your return to the Force. You turned to see your father but were interrupted by a deafening scream.

Everything came crashing down as your body jolted back to reality. Your eyes shot open, searching for the origin of cry. Subconsciously, you grazed your hand over the blade in your waistband, the only weapon you'd managed during the escape. 

"Help!! Somebody please! Help me!" The cries were soon muffled, and the night went silent. 

You began sprinting in the direction of the screams, quick but stealthy. Up ahead you saw what seemed to be road. You followed it a few hundred feet until you saw some sort of ground transport; it was unlike anything you'd seen before. 

You stayed in line with the trees, careful not to be seen. Two male voices began conversing about where to put the child. A child? Straining your eyes, you began to make out their figures. One of them had a child like shape thrown across his shoulder while the other wore a blaster across his body.

You could easily take them. After all, you had gone through extensive training with Kylo. You were made for this moment.

You began to step forward, ready to engage in combat when something grabbed you and pulled you back. A hand covered your mouth and restrained your movement as you watched the transport drive away.

Before you had much time to struggle, the hand released itself and you regained freedom of your limbs. You pulled the blade from your waistband and held it to the assailants throat, slamming them against a tree.

"Who are you and what the hell do you want?!" you demanded. With the adrenaline dying down a bit, you now could see exactly who was standing in front of you. It was a girl, probably around the same age as you. You glanced down and noticed her Resistance uniform. 

"Relax, I was only saving your ass from getting killed," she responded, unfazed by the weapon at her throat. Her confidence threw you off long enough for her to disarm you. Your blade was soon on the ground and arm twisted behind your back.

"Now do you want to tell me why you're here?" she asked cockily.

"I heard a scream. I thought I'd help," you replied honestly. The girl began releasing you slowly, cautious of any sudden movements.

"So you weren't here for the Sins trade?"

"The Sins trade? I don't even know what that is." Realizing you weren't a threat, she fully released you and took in sigh of relief.  

"The name's Jade. And you?"

"[Y/N]. You're with the Resistance?" you asked, noting her uniform.

"Yes, I gather and report intel. And you're with?" You quickly realized that you'd taken off any clothing that would affiliate you with the First Order.

"A freelancer. I try and help out where I can." Jade nodded and began walking in the opposite direction of the transport.

"Wait, where are you going?" you questioned, picking back up your blade before following behind her.

"I report intel, remember?"

"But what about that child? They need saving! You can't just leave them to die!" Turning around, she looked you dead in the eyes.

"And what are we going to do about it? Do you even know where that transport leads? Because I do. And trust me it's gonna take a lot more than just a pretty girl with a blade to save those younglings," she spat only inches away from your face. 

Stunned, you took a second to think over everything she just said. Were you in over your head? You didn't know what you were getting yourself into. Maybe Jade was right. You were almost in agreeance with her when an image appeared in your mind. Your father. The sadness on his face when you didn't recognize him. You couldn't let that happen to them.

"I might be just a pretty girl with a blade, but trust me, I am very good with my blade." You turned on your heel and began in the direction of the transport. It wasn't long before you heard footsteps following behind you.

"Are you seriously going to try and bring down the galaxy's largest crime organization by yourself? I hope you like dirt, cause that's where you'll be if you get caught. Or rather when you get caught." You stopped to face her.

"Respectfully, if you're not going to help, then leave." She smiled and thought about it for a minute before replying.

"Oh no, I wanna see where this goes. But on one condition: we get the younglings and then we get out. We won't make it if we fight every battle, got it?" she asserted, holding out her hand.

"Got it." 

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