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You stayed up all night wondering about that word. Kenobi. It meant everything and yet nothing all at the same time. For the first time, you started to picture people behind the blank slot that family once was for you. Granted, you had no idea what these people looked like. Hell, you'd never even heard the name Kenobi before. And yet, it still felt reassuring. 

The next morning you made sure to wake up extra early to not be late for training. You didn't take Kylo's warnings lightly. That was a mistake you wouldn't make again.

You pulled on your normal training attire, black leggings and a tank top, and headed out the door. The corridor was silent considering it wasn't even five in the morning. While five was an early wake up time, Kylo still needed time to fulfill his expected duties as commander. Sadly, that meant training at the crack of dawn.

You got there about 20 minutes early hoping to clear your mind. The last thing you needed was Kylo knowing about your discovery, so you sat in the middle of the room and concentrated. You let your mind drift off to the stars as you let the image of a galaxy consume you. You breathed in and and out so steadily that you failed to notice the presence behind you.

Kylo couldn't help but smile when he came in to find you lost in concentration sitting on the floor. He felt of wave of peace wash over him as he just stood and admired you. After about ten minutes he thought it best to get training started, so he decided to get your attention by clearing his throat.

Startled, you quickly stood up to face him, hoping to not make him angry. Your eyes scanned his features. He looked surprisingly calm. Maybe this would be a good training session after all.

"Today, we will be mastering the art of probing one's mind. I have taught you how to block someone from entering your mind, it is time you learn how to be on the other side." You watched as he began to make his way over to the doorway. He stepped out of the room and called in a stormtrooper that had the misfortune of walking by at this moment. You heard Kylo mumble something to him before the stormtrooper followed Kylo in reentering the room.

"Now, I want you to close your eyes and picture his mind as if it's a door. Open that door and walk inside it. Concentrate on the information you want and picture it appearing before you." At this point in Kylo's monologue, he was standing only inches behind you. So close you could feel his warm breath on the back of your neck. It sent tingles that went all the way up your spine.

"His name is HN-3840. He's been serving under the First Order since he was 14 and was separated from his family. His latest mission was scouting out potential Resistance conspirators," you said proudly. You faced Kylo and saw a momentary glimpse of impressed on his face before returning to his normal brooding expression. 

"Well done. It seems I have nothing left to train you for today," he stated with a hint of disappointment.

"What? No. I want an actual challenge, not just some forceless stormtrooper," you whined, not wanting your session to end.

 "[Y/N], I said we were done here." He waved the stormtrooper off and began to gather his things. You could tell he was starting to get irritated. But why? You could've sworn just moments ago he wasn't like this, he was... calm even. What changed?

Then, without thinking, you decided to probe his mind, something he had told you was off limits. But you'd wanted a challenge, right? And who was more challenging than the great commander himself?

You began pushing into his mind, knocking down his door. Once inside, you saw a world of nightmares. You sensed something you never expected to find in the infamous Kylo Ren's mind: fear

You stumbled back in confusion, opening your eyes to see a furious Ren. He lunged forward and wrapped his hands around your neck, slamming you into the wall. 

"You think it's fun to play games with me? I'll show you how fun it is," he spat, beginning to probe your mind. It was nothing like the gentle probe you had just performed on the stormtrooper. He used daggers to enter your mind, and you were too scared to stop him.

" You're hurting me. Stop!" you sobbed, trying to do anything to make the pain to stop. And that's when you remembered. The word. The one word you needed to keep secret. The one word he couldn't know about. You rushed to put up the walls around your mind, but you were too late.

Kylo released you from your chokehold and his anger was replaced with something else. Sadness. But why sadness? Your lungs slowly began to refill with air as you watched Kylo leave the room in defeat. 

"What just happened?" you asked yourself. "What all did he see?"

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