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Your heartbeat stopped. It couldn't be. You saw him die. Kylo put a saber right through his heart.

"I'm sorry to disappoint but that would be my brother. I'm Mae, and you're going to give me that crystal." He gave a soft, relaxed smile persuading you to trust him. But his eyes told a different story. They revealed his true devilish nature.

"I'm not giving you anything," you seethed, clutching tighter on to your prize. Touching the crystal gave you sort of a power trip. It fueled you. 

What was this thing? 

As if he was reading your thoughts, the man spoke. 

"We've been searching for the last of the Etaan crystals for months. But you, it just called to you. It takes a very powerful Force user to hear such a call. So who are you?" He looked at you with a genuine curiosity, but feeling his eyes over all over your body created a fiery rage within you.

The doppelganger motioned his guards to go forward, surrounding you from all sides. There were four of them, and your weapons were limited to a small blade and your fists. 

You took in a deep breath preparing for combat. You'd never fought alone before. You always had Kylo with you. Not that you needed him. You were just fine on your own. 

The guard directly in front of you made the first move. He lunged forward bringing his right fist to your stomach as you attempted to grab your blade. Your fingers had just grazed the handle before he made impact. You hunched over in pain as one of the guards from behind put you in a chokehold. 

Your hand was now fully gripping the weapon as you positioned the blade facing back. With all your force, you thrusted your arm back piercing the guard's right shoulder. He yelped back in pain, releasing you from the hold.

One of the guards from the side made a move, but you were too quick. You slashed the knife across his throat watching the blood pour out. In a way the sight of his internal liquid gave you power. It felt....good.

You went to disengage the other guards when you began to feel a choking feeling around your neck. Your body lifted as the crystal and blade released from your hands. It took you only a moment to realize there was nothing wrapped around your neck. No, this was the work of the Force.

Your vision began to blur, but there was no mistake of the sight in front of you.

It was Kylo. 

"Ky-Kylo," you barely managed to breathe out. The sides of your vision began to blacken before you were revived by the sweet release of air. Falling to your knees, you coughed attempting to regain full consciousness. 

Before you could lift your eyes to meet his, you noticed something odd. The guards, your adversary, they were all kneeling before Kylo. They obeyed him. Your mind attempted to make sense of this knowledge before Kylo's voice broke your thoughts. 

"Grab the crystal," he ordered the guards behind the cowardice of his mask. Within seconds, the radiating power source of pure energy was in the hands of the Dark Side. You could sense a shift in the Force the second it made contact with his coarse leather gloves. 

Your eyes lifted from the crystal finally meeting his, and you ached. Ached with the guilt of your betrayal, ached with the pain of your loneliness, and ached with a lust for his lips. And he knew it too.

I need you to trust me.

Before you had time to process what his Force communication meant, the doppelganger began to speak.

"My liege," Mae began to rise from his kneeling position," we are honored by your presence. Without the First Order, the Sins would be nothing." A moment passed before your brain put the pieces together. Was the First Order consorting with the Sins? 

"I'm only here for the girl; she is a traitor of the First Order," Kylo's mechanical voice didn't contain a shred of emotion. Fear began to bubble inside you at the mention of that word, that hellish word.


Flashbacks of your dream state threatened to spill over, but you kept them contained. Now fully aware of your surroundings, you noticed the dead guard only a few feet away. The other guards remained in their kneeling positions in the presence of their Commander. And your blade was only a few inches away within reach. Kylo noticed you eyeing it and gave you a look that persuaded you stay put.

"She's all yours," he smirked, eyes piercing yours. You maintained your glare for only a moment before he and the guards were summoned away. Mae eyed the crystal but didn't dare question the Commander about it.

The sounds of footsteps faded away until you were left with a deafening silence. You could feel his anger radiate over you, his eyes piercing yours behind the mask. Another moment passed before he stepped closer. Your heart raced faster in fear of what Kylo would do to you.

He quickly placed the crystal in his pocket before bringing his hands to his face. You watched as he unlatched his headpiece and those familiar locks fell down to his face. For a moment, all the fear left your body as you were mesmerized by his beauty.

You were quickly jolted back to reality by a loud banging sound and Kylo's helmet being thrown against the cavern wall. 

"How dare you leave me!" he seethed as you quickly stood to back away. Before you could get far he squeezed you by the neck, this time using his hands. His close proximity increasing your anxiety. As his lips neared yours, at the last second he turned your head so they pressed up against your ear.

"You will never do that again," he breathed heavily bringing one hand up to your cheek. Your fear was soon accompanied by another emotion: desire.

You looked hungrily into his eyes wanting him to kiss you. But before you could signal your need, he waved a hand over your head forcing you into a slumber. Almost completely unconscious, you felt Kylo's strong arms begin to carry you away. Everything faded to black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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