Physical Contact

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You gradually opened your eyes, processing the unfamiliar environment around you. This wasn't your room. You struggled to remember how you'd gotten here before all the memories came flooding back. You needing answers. You finding nothing but a sad boy who needed comforting. Him asking you to stay.

But where was he now? You looked over to see a clock that read 6:09am. Shit! You were hella late to training! You threw the covers back and rushed down the corridor to your own quarters. As swiftly as possible, you threw your training attire on before sprinting to the training room.

On your way over, you couldn't help but wonder why he hadn't woken you up. Something about this whole thing felt off. You prayed that last night's actions would waver any anger he had towards you being late. You were actually looking forward to seeing Kylo. Last night he had showed you another sliver of humanity. Another raw portion of himself.

You entered the training room to see Kylo practicing a few punches on the punching bag. He looked upset, and nothing like he was last night. What had changed?

"So nice of you to finally join me," he sneered in a passive aggressive tone.

"Kylo, I'm sorry. I didn't realize what time it was and I wasn't used to waking up in your-"

"I didn't ask for excuses. Now, come join me before I make you." You made your way over to the training mat, heart rate increasing as you did. You felt your adrenaline spike for you knew what the training mat was used for.

"Today I will be sharpening your skills in hand-to-hand combat. Every sith and jedi have been trained in the art. This is a vital step to completing your training. You need to be able to defend yourself against the Resistance and anybody else who is on the attack. Trust your instincts. Trust the Force," Kylo monologued as you carefully took in every word he said. You had trained in hand-to-hand combat before, but it was all basics, no real practice. You had a feeling that was about to change.

"The rules are simple, we fight and the first one to surrender loses. Just know this, in battle you don't get the option to surrender. You surrender, you die." He was really close to you by now, lips practically against your ear. You felt shivers go up your spine, afraid of how far he would go.

"Let us begin," he announced as you took one last deep breath. You knew this would be hard, but you weren't weak. You wouldn't show him mercy. He needed to see your strength. You needed to prove yourself as a worthy apprentice. And maybe as something more.

You took this opportunity to make the first move. You aimed for the throat, throwing your hips into it when you punched. This clearly caught Kylo off, he did not expect you to fight so dirty. While he was thrown off, you threw the next punch at his stomach. He blocked it and countered with an uppercut to your face.

You stumbled back cupping your face with your hand. Blood started to pour from your lip. You looked back up to see Kylo lunging towards you. You jumped out of the way and dodged his attack just in time. 

This time you decided to take a different approach. You spun around and kicked him right in the gut. By now you could tell that Kylo was thoroughly outraged. He wasn't playing around anymore. He swiped the back of your knees causing you to fall to the ground. 

You tried to get back up, but Kylo held you down. He got on top of you and pinned your arms to the ground with his knees while he used his hands to choke you. Your air supply was cut off as you tried so hard to free yourself, but it soon became clear that there was no escape.

"I surrender," you barely managed to gasp, but Kylo's eyes were consumed with rage. It was like he was possessed by the dark side, like he wanted to hurt you. He began choking you harder as sweat dripped off his skin.

"Kylo, you have to let go. Those were the rules." At this point all sense of reality seemed warped by the lack of oxygen entering your brain.

"Rules?! There are no rules in war! There is only survival and death! You are weak! And I do not tolerate weakness!" You felt his hands release from your neck, but it was already too late. You faded into the darkness with his words echoing in your mind.

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