The Awakening

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Kylo's POV

"Get up!" I spat through clenched teeth, rage still radiating off of me.  She didn't. She just laid there, motionless.

"I said get up!" I screamed, this time slapping her across the face. Her body fell on its side from the force of my strike. 

"[Y/N]?" Something didn't feel right. I quickly rushed to her side and placed my fingers on her neck. No pulse.

I felt all the anger leave my body as a wave of guilt rushed over me. This can't be happening! Oh shit! Oh fuck! This cannot be happening!

What've I done?

I had to save her. I had to try. Instinct took over as I picked up her limp body and began carrying her to our medical wing. I ignored all of the strange looks I received making my way through the winding halls. 

"Somebody save her!" I screamed as soon as I reached my destination. Every medical worker in sight rushed to my side, most likely out of fear.

"Sir, I'm going to need you to tell me what happened," one of the medics requested while taking [Y/N] and laying her down on one of the beds. They began hooking her up to an IV and all sorts of other machines.

"Training accident. She was choked pretty hard," I scrambled out, my breathing quickening at the thought of losing her. 

I don't even remember what came over me in training. It was like I wasn't in control. I never wanna feel that way again. Not if that me can hurt [Y/N]. Oh god, it was just this morning I woke up in her arms.

My head started spinning as medics rushed around me doing everything they could to save [Y/N]. It took everything in me to stop myself from hyperventilating. Why did she make me feel this way?

"She's got a pulse!" I heard one of the medics yell. "It's faint, but it's there," he continued. They continued working for another hour before one of them told me they've done all they can and all we could do now was wait.

I sat down next to her bed as the rest of the medical team left the room. Holding her hand, I vowed that I wouldn't leave her side until she woke up. 

Before long, I was lost in thought, sifting through every memory I had with her, reviewing each little moment over and over again. I stared at her, taking in every detail. Even unconscious she looked beautiful. 

"I swear I will protect you with my life," I promised, kissing the back of her hand. As my lips left the back of her hand, a feeling of sharp pain entered my chest. I gripped [Y/N] even harder, feeling pain and betrayal radiate off of her skin. 

What was going on inside her head?

Before I had a chance to find out, her eyes shot open as she let out a deafening scream.

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